SECTION = "x11/libs" SUMMARY = "x11 application autostart" DESCRIPTION = \ "This installs a /usr/bin/x-window-manager script. The script will start the \ one and only application X_APPLICATION as the last step of the \ xserver-nodm-init X initialization. \ If the script ever returns, X will be killed." LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302" inherit allarch S = "${WORKDIR}" SRC_URI = " \ file:// \ file:// \ " do_compile () { sed -e "s:@PATH@:${INITIAL_PATH}:" -e "s:@APP@:${X_APPLICATION}:" > x-window-manager } do_install () { install -d ${D}/${bindir} ${D}${sysconfdir}/X11/Xsession.d install -m 0755 ${S}/x-window-manager ${D}/${bindir} install -m 0644 ${S}/ ${D}/${sysconfdir}/X11/Xsession.d/ } # make sure xinput_calibrator is only started once pkg_postinst_${PN}() { rm -f /etc/xdg/autostart/xinput_calibrator.desktop }