[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=gst-launch # on LVDS panel #Exec=gst-launch filesrc location= "%f" ! decodebin ! imxv4l2sink device=/dev/video18 # Fullscreen on the main window? or the only window? #Exec=gst-launch playbin2 uri=%u video_sink=\"imxv4l2sink force-aspect-ratio=true\" # in a 640x360 overlay part of the main window #Exec=gst-launch playbin2 uri=%u video_sink=\"imxv4l2sink force-aspect-ratio=true disp-width=640 disp-height=360 axis-top=10 axis-left=630\" # in a 1280x720 overlay part of the main window Exec=gst-launch playbin2 uri=%u video_sink=\"imxv4l2sink force-aspect-ratio=true disp-width=1280 disp-height=720 axis-top=10 axis-left=630\" Terminal=true NoDisplay=true