DESCRIPTION = "Florence is a virtual keyboard (also called on-screen-keyboard), which allows the user to input text through a touchscreen." HOMEPAGE = "" #NOTICE: If florence can't find its gconf settings, you need to start florence with --config for one time and save the configuration once. LICENSE = "GPLv2" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=59530bdf33659b29e73d4adb9f9f6552" PR = "r1" DEPENDS = "cairo gconf glib-2.0-native gnome-doc-utils gstreamer1.0 gtk+3 intltool-native libglade libnotify librsvg libxml2 libxtst" PROVIDES += "florence" RPROVIDES:${PN} += "florence" RREPLACES:${PN} += "florence" RCONFLICTS:${PN} += "florence" SRC_URI = " \ ${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/florence/florence/${PV}/florence-${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file:// \ " SRC_URI[md5sum] = "8775051d7352f75dec5a86dc9964e8e0" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "422992fd07d285be73cce721a203e22cee21320d69b0fda1579ce62944c5091e" S = "${WORKDIR}/florence-${PV}" inherit gettext autotools gconf pkgconfig gsettings FILES:${PN} += "${datadir}/florence" EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-scrollkeeper --without-docs --without-at-spi --without-panelapplet --without-xrecord --without-sound"