##========================================================================== ## ## hal_cortexm_vybrid.cdl ## ## Cortex-M Freescale Vybrid variant HAL configuration data ## ##========================================================================== ## ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### ## ------------------------------------------- ## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. ## Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## ## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later ## version. ## ## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ## for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use ## macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file ## and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file, ## this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by ## the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file ## must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU ## General Public License v2. ## ## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based ## on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. ## ------------------------------------------- ## ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND#### ##========================================================================== #######DESCRIPTIONBEGIN#### ## ## Author(s): Antmicro Ltd ## Date: 2014-03-28 ## Based on respective definitions from /hal/cortexm/kinetis/var/current/cdl/hal_cortexm_kinetis.cdl ## ## ######DESCRIPTIONEND#### ## ##========================================================================== ######MODIFICATION##### ## ## CYG_HAL_STARTUP_VAR legal_values added "RAM" ## CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT addded new compute value (RAM) ##========================================================================== cdl_package CYGPKG_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID { display "Freescale Vybrid Cortex-M4 Variant" parent CYGPKG_HAL_CORTEXM doc ref/hal-cortexm-vybrid-var.html hardware include_dir cyg/hal define_header hal_cortexm_vybrid.h description " This package provides generic support for the Freescale Cortex-M4 based Vybrid microcontroller family. It is also necessary to select a variant and platform HAL package." compile hal_diag.c vybrid_misc.c vybrid_clocking.c #implements CYGINT_HAL_DEBUG_GDB_STUBS #implements CYGINT_HAL_DEBUG_GDB_STUBS_BREAK implements CYGINT_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_SUPPORT implements CYGINT_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_COMM_BAUD_SUPPORT requires { CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM == "M4" } define_proc { puts $::cdl_system_header "#define CYGBLD_HAL_TARGET_H " puts $::cdl_system_header "#define CYGBLD_HAL_VARIANT_H " } cdl_option CYGNUM_HAL_CORTEXM_PRIORITY_LEVEL_BITS { display "CPU exception priority level bits" flavor data default_value 4 description " This option defines the number of bits used to encode the exception priority levels that this variant of the Cortex-M CPU implements." } cdl_option CYGNUM_HAL_KERNEL_COUNTERS_CLOCK_ISR_DEFAULT_PRIORITY { display "Clock interrupt ISR priority" flavor data calculated CYGNUM_HAL_KERNEL_COUNTERS_CLOCK_ISR_DEFAULT_PRIORITY_SP description "Set clock ISR priority. Default setting is lowest priority." } cdl_component CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_CONSTANTS { display "Real-time clock constants" flavor none no_define cdl_option CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_NUMERATOR { display "Real-time clock numerator" flavor data default_value 1000000000 } cdl_option CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_DENOMINATOR { display "Real-time clock denominator" flavor data default_value 1000 } cdl_option CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_PERIOD { display "Real-time clock period" flavor data default_value 1000000 / CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_DENOMINATOR description " The period defined here is something of a fake, it is expressed in terms of a notional 1MHz clock. The value actually installed in the hardware is calculated from the current settings of the clock generation hardware." } } cdl_option CYG_HAL_STARTUP_VAR { display "By variant" flavor data parent CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ENV default_value { "OCRAM" } legal_values { "TCML" "OCRAM" } active_if ((!CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF) || (CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF=="ByVariant")) description " 'OCRAM' startup builds a stand-alone application hich will be placed into OnChipRAM. This type of memory is intended to be written via bootloaders such like uBoot or from Linux system running on the Cortex A5 core of Vybrid processor. Note: Variant Startup Type can be overriden/overloaded by Platform Startup Type." } cdl_component CYG_HAL_STARTUP { display "Startup type calculator" flavor data parent CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ENV calculated { (CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF && (CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF!="ByVariant")) ? CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF : CYG_HAL_STARTUP_VAR} define -file system.h CYG_HAL_STARTUP description " Startup type defines what type of application shall be built. Startup type can be defined by variant (CYG_HAL_STARTUP_VAR) or platform (CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF). If CYG_HAL_STARTUP_PLF is defined and not equal to 'ByVariant' then it shall override CYG_HAL_STARTUP_VAR." } cdl_component CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT { display "Memory layout" flavor data no_define parent CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ENV calculated { (CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT_PLF) ? CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT_PLF : (CYG_HAL_STARTUP == "TCML") ? "vybrid_tcml" : (CYG_HAL_STARTUP == "OCRAM") ? "vybrid_ocram" : "undefined" } description " Combination of 'Startup type' and 'Vybrid part' produces the memory layout." cdl_option CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT_LDI { display "Memory layout linker script fragment" flavor data no_define define -file system.h CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT_LDI calculated { "" } } cdl_option CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT_H { display "Memory layout header file" flavor data no_define define -file system.h CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT_H calculated { "" } } } cdl_component CYGHWR_HAL_VYBRID_MEMORY_RESOURCES { display "On chip memory resources" flavor none no_define description " View and manage on-chip memory resources. Output is used for naming of 'mlt' files." cdl_option CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_OCRAM_KIB { display "Vybrid on chip SysRAM0 size \[KiB\]" flavor data calculated { 256 } } cdl_option CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_OCRAM { display "Vybrid on chip SysRAM0 size" flavor data calculated { CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_OCRAM_KIB * 0x400} } cdl_option CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_TCMU_KIB { display "Vybrid on chip TCMU (data) size \[KiB\]" flavor data calculated { 32 } } cdl_option CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_TCMU { display "Vybrid on chip TCMU (data) size" flavor data calculated { CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_TCMU_KIB * 0x400 } } cdl_option CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_TCML_KIB { display "Vybrid on chip TCML (data) size \[KiB\]" flavor data calculated { 32 } } cdl_option CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_TCML { display "Vybrid on chip TCML (data) size" flavor data calculated { CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_TCML_KIB * 0x400 } } } cdl_interface CYGINT_HAL_CACHE { display "Platform has cache" flavor bool } cdl_interface CYGINT_HAL_HAS_NONCACHED { display "Platform has non-cached regions" flavor bool } cdl_component CYGPKG_HAL_VYBRID_CACHE { display "Cache memory" flavor bool default_value false active_if (CYGINT_HAL_CACHE) } cdl_interface CYGINT_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_DDRAM { display "Platform uses DDRAM" flavor bool description " This interface will be implemented if the specific controller being used provides DDRAM and if DDRAM is used on target hardware" } for { set ::channel 0 } { $::channel < 6 } { incr ::channel } { cdl_interface CYGINT_HAL_FREESCALE_UART[set ::channel] { display "Platform provides UART [set ::channel] HAL" flavor bool description " This interface will be implemented if the specific controller being used has on-chip UART [set ::channel], and if that UART is accessible on the target hardware." } cdl_interface CYGINT_HAL_FREESCALE_UART[set ::channel]_RTSCTS { display "Platform provides HAL for UART[set ::channel] hardware flow control." flavor bool description " This interface will be implemented if the specific on-chip UART [set ::channel] has RTS/CTS flow control that is accessible on the target hardware." } } cdl_interface CYGINT_HAL_DMA { display "Platform uses DMA" flavor bool description " This interface will be implemented if the specific controller being used provides DMA and if DMA is used on target hardware" } cdl_component CYGHWR_HAL_DEVS_IRQ_PRIO_SCHEME_VAR { display "Variant IRQ priority defaults" no_define flavor none parent CYGHWR_HAL_DEVS_IRQ_PRIO_SCHEME description " Interrupt priorities defined by Vybrid variant" script vybrid_irq_scheme.cdl } cdl_component CYGPKG_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_OPTIONS { display "Build options" flavor none no_define description " Package specific build options including control over compiler flags used only in building this package." cdl_option CYGPKG_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_CFLAGS_ADD { display "Additional compiler flags" flavor data no_define default_value { "" } description " This option modifies the set of compiler flags for building the Vybrid variant HAL package. These flags are used in addition to the set of global flags." } cdl_option CYGPKG_HAL_CORTEXM_VYBRID_CFLAGS_REMOVE { display "Suppressed compiler flags" flavor data no_define default_value { "" } description " This option modifies the set of compiler flags for building the Vybrid variant HAL package. These flags are removed from the set of global flags if present." } } } # EOF hal_cortexm_vybrid.cdl