path: root/arch/x86/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'arch/x86/tools')
5 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arch/x86/tools/Makefile b/arch/x86/tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f82082677337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+PHONY += posttest
+ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),1)
+ posttest_verbose = -v
+ posttest_verbose =
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_64BIT),y)
+ posttest_64bit = -y
+ posttest_64bit = -n
+distill_awk = $(srctree)/arch/x86/tools/distill.awk
+chkobjdump = $(srctree)/arch/x86/tools/chkobjdump.awk
+quiet_cmd_posttest = TEST $@
+ cmd_posttest = ($(OBJDUMP) -v | $(AWK) -f $(chkobjdump)) || $(OBJDUMP) -d -j .text $(objtree)/vmlinux | $(AWK) -f $(distill_awk) | $(obj)/test_get_len $(posttest_64bit) $(posttest_verbose)
+posttest: $(obj)/test_get_len vmlinux
+ $(call cmd,posttest)
+hostprogs-y := test_get_len
+# -I needed for generated C source and C source which in the kernel tree.
+HOSTCFLAGS_test_get_len.o := -Wall -I$(objtree)/arch/x86/lib/ -I$(srctree)/arch/x86/include/ -I$(srctree)/arch/x86/lib/ -I$(srctree)/include/
+# Dependencies are also needed.
+$(obj)/test_get_len.o: $(srctree)/arch/x86/lib/insn.c $(srctree)/arch/x86/lib/inat.c $(srctree)/arch/x86/include/asm/inat_types.h $(srctree)/arch/x86/include/asm/inat.h $(srctree)/arch/x86/include/asm/insn.h $(objtree)/arch/x86/lib/inat-tables.c
diff --git a/arch/x86/tools/chkobjdump.awk b/arch/x86/tools/chkobjdump.awk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d13cd9fdcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/tools/chkobjdump.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# GNU objdump version checker
+# Usage:
+# objdump -v | awk -f chkobjdump.awk
+ # objdump version 2.19 or later is OK for the test.
+ od_ver = 2;
+ od_sver = 19;
+/^GNU/ {
+ split($4, ver, ".");
+ if (ver[1] > od_ver ||
+ (ver[1] == od_ver && ver[2] >= od_sver)) {
+ exit 1;
+ } else {
+ printf("Warning: objdump version %s is older than %d.%d\n",
+ $4, od_ver, od_sver);
+ print("Warning: Skipping posttest.");
+ # Logic is inverted, because we just skip test without error.
+ exit 0;
+ }
diff --git a/arch/x86/tools/distill.awk b/arch/x86/tools/distill.awk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c13c0ee48ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/tools/distill.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+# Usage: objdump -d a.out | awk -f distill.awk | ./test_get_len
+# Distills the disassembly as follows:
+# - Removes all lines except the disassembled instructions.
+# - For instructions that exceed 1 line (7 bytes), crams all the hex bytes
+# into a single line.
+# - Remove bad(or prefix only) instructions
+ prev_addr = ""
+ prev_hex = ""
+ prev_mnemonic = ""
+ bad_expr = "(\\(bad\\)|^rex|^.byte|^rep(z|nz)$|^lock$|^es$|^cs$|^ss$|^ds$|^fs$|^gs$|^data(16|32)$|^addr(16|32|64))"
+ fwait_expr = "^9b "
+ fwait_str="9b\tfwait"
+/^ *[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*>:/ {
+ # Symbol entry
+ printf("%s%s\n", $2, $1)
+/^ *[0-9a-f]+:/ {
+ if (split($0, field, "\t") < 3) {
+ # This is a continuation of the same insn.
+ prev_hex = prev_hex field[2]
+ } else {
+ # Skip bad instructions
+ if (match(prev_mnemonic, bad_expr))
+ prev_addr = ""
+ # Split fwait from other f* instructions
+ if (match(prev_hex, fwait_expr) && prev_mnemonic != "fwait") {
+ printf "%s\t%s\n", prev_addr, fwait_str
+ sub(fwait_expr, "", prev_hex)
+ }
+ if (prev_addr != "")
+ printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n", prev_addr, prev_hex, prev_mnemonic
+ prev_addr = field[1]
+ prev_hex = field[2]
+ prev_mnemonic = field[3]
+ }
+END {
+ if (prev_addr != "")
+ printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n", prev_addr, prev_hex, prev_mnemonic
diff --git a/arch/x86/tools/gen-insn-attr-x86.awk b/arch/x86/tools/gen-insn-attr-x86.awk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a6850683c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/tools/gen-insn-attr-x86.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+# gen-insn-attr-x86.awk: Instruction attribute table generator
+# Written by Masami Hiramatsu <>
+# Usage: awk -f gen-insn-attr-x86.awk x86-opcode-map.txt > inat-tables.c
+# Awk implementation sanity check
+function check_awk_implement() {
+ if (!match("abc", "[[:lower:]]+"))
+ return "Your awk doesn't support charactor-class."
+ if (sprintf("%x", 0) != "0")
+ return "Your awk has a printf-format problem."
+ return ""
+# Clear working vars
+function clear_vars() {
+ delete table
+ delete lptable2
+ delete lptable1
+ delete lptable3
+ eid = -1 # escape id
+ gid = -1 # group id
+ aid = -1 # AVX id
+ tname = ""
+ # Implementation error checking
+ awkchecked = check_awk_implement()
+ if (awkchecked != "") {
+ print "Error: " awkchecked > "/dev/stderr"
+ print "Please try to use gawk." > "/dev/stderr"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # Setup generating tables
+ print "/* x86 opcode map generated from x86-opcode-map.txt */"
+ print "/* Do not change this code. */\n"
+ ggid = 1
+ geid = 1
+ gaid = 0
+ delete etable
+ delete gtable
+ delete atable
+ opnd_expr = "^[[:alpha:]/]"
+ ext_expr = "^\\("
+ sep_expr = "^\\|$"
+ group_expr = "^Grp[[:alnum:]]+"
+ imm_expr = "^[IJAO][[:lower:]]"
+ imm_flag["Ib"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE)"
+ imm_flag["Jb"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE)"
+ imm_flag["Iw"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_WORD)"
+ imm_flag["Id"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_DWORD)"
+ imm_flag["Iq"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_QWORD)"
+ imm_flag["Ap"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_PTR)"
+ imm_flag["Iz"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32)"
+ imm_flag["Jz"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32)"
+ imm_flag["Iv"] = "INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD)"
+ imm_flag["Ob"] = "INAT_MOFFSET"
+ imm_flag["Ov"] = "INAT_MOFFSET"
+ modrm_expr = "^([CDEGMNPQRSUVW/][[:lower:]]+|NTA|T[012])"
+ force64_expr = "\\([df]64\\)"
+ rex_expr = "^REX(\\.[XRWB]+)*"
+ fpu_expr = "^ESC" # TODO
+ lprefix1_expr = "\\(66\\)"
+ lprefix2_expr = "\\(F3\\)"
+ lprefix3_expr = "\\(F2\\)"
+ max_lprefix = 4
+ vexok_expr = "\\(VEX\\)"
+ vexonly_expr = "\\(oVEX\\)"
+ prefix_expr = "\\(Prefix\\)"
+ prefix_num["Operand-Size"] = "INAT_PFX_OPNDSZ"
+ prefix_num["REPNE"] = "INAT_PFX_REPNE"
+ prefix_num["REP/REPE"] = "INAT_PFX_REPE"
+ prefix_num["LOCK"] = "INAT_PFX_LOCK"
+ prefix_num["SEG=CS"] = "INAT_PFX_CS"
+ prefix_num["SEG=DS"] = "INAT_PFX_DS"
+ prefix_num["SEG=ES"] = "INAT_PFX_ES"
+ prefix_num["SEG=FS"] = "INAT_PFX_FS"
+ prefix_num["SEG=GS"] = "INAT_PFX_GS"
+ prefix_num["SEG=SS"] = "INAT_PFX_SS"
+ prefix_num["Address-Size"] = "INAT_PFX_ADDRSZ"
+ prefix_num["2bytes-VEX"] = "INAT_PFX_VEX2"
+ prefix_num["3bytes-VEX"] = "INAT_PFX_VEX3"
+ clear_vars()
+function semantic_error(msg) {
+ print "Semantic error at " NR ": " msg > "/dev/stderr"
+ exit 1
+function debug(msg) {
+ print "DEBUG: " msg
+function array_size(arr, i,c) {
+ c = 0
+ for (i in arr)
+ c++
+ return c
+/^Table:/ {
+ print "/* " $0 " */"
+ if (tname != "")
+ semantic_error("Hit Table: before EndTable:.");
+/^Referrer:/ {
+ if (NF != 1) {
+ # escape opcode table
+ ref = ""
+ for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++)
+ ref = ref $i
+ eid = escape[ref]
+ tname = sprintf("inat_escape_table_%d", eid)
+ }
+/^AVXcode:/ {
+ if (NF != 1) {
+ # AVX/escape opcode table
+ aid = $2
+ if (gaid <= aid)
+ gaid = aid + 1
+ if (tname == "") # AVX only opcode table
+ tname = sprintf("inat_avx_table_%d", $2)
+ }
+ if (aid == -1 && eid == -1) # primary opcode table
+ tname = "inat_primary_table"
+/^GrpTable:/ {
+ print "/* " $0 " */"
+ if (!($2 in group))
+ semantic_error("No group: " $2 )
+ gid = group[$2]
+ tname = "inat_group_table_" gid
+function print_table(tbl,name,fmt,n)
+ print "const insn_attr_t " name " = {"
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ id = sprintf(fmt, i)
+ if (tbl[id])
+ print " [" id "] = " tbl[id] ","
+ }
+ print "};"
+/^EndTable/ {
+ if (gid != -1) {
+ # print group tables
+ if (array_size(table) != 0) {
+ print_table(table, tname "[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%x", 8)
+ gtable[gid,0] = tname
+ }
+ if (array_size(lptable1) != 0) {
+ print_table(lptable1, tname "_1[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%x", 8)
+ gtable[gid,1] = tname "_1"
+ }
+ if (array_size(lptable2) != 0) {
+ print_table(lptable2, tname "_2[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%x", 8)
+ gtable[gid,2] = tname "_2"
+ }
+ if (array_size(lptable3) != 0) {
+ print_table(lptable3, tname "_3[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%x", 8)
+ gtable[gid,3] = tname "_3"
+ }
+ } else {
+ # print primary/escaped tables
+ if (array_size(table) != 0) {
+ print_table(table, tname "[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%02x", 256)
+ etable[eid,0] = tname
+ if (aid >= 0)
+ atable[aid,0] = tname
+ }
+ if (array_size(lptable1) != 0) {
+ print_table(lptable1,tname "_1[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%02x", 256)
+ etable[eid,1] = tname "_1"
+ if (aid >= 0)
+ atable[aid,1] = tname "_1"
+ }
+ if (array_size(lptable2) != 0) {
+ print_table(lptable2,tname "_2[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%02x", 256)
+ etable[eid,2] = tname "_2"
+ if (aid >= 0)
+ atable[aid,2] = tname "_2"
+ }
+ if (array_size(lptable3) != 0) {
+ print_table(lptable3,tname "_3[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE]",
+ "0x%02x", 256)
+ etable[eid,3] = tname "_3"
+ if (aid >= 0)
+ atable[aid,3] = tname "_3"
+ }
+ }
+ print ""
+ clear_vars()
+function add_flags(old,new) {
+ if (old && new)
+ return old " | " new
+ else if (old)
+ return old
+ else
+ return new
+# convert operands to flags.
+function convert_operands(count,opnd, i,j,imm,mod)
+ imm = null
+ mod = null
+ for (j = 1; j <= count; j++) {
+ i = opnd[j]
+ if (match(i, imm_expr) == 1) {
+ if (!imm_flag[i])
+ semantic_error("Unknown imm opnd: " i)
+ if (imm) {
+ if (i != "Ib")
+ semantic_error("Second IMM error")
+ imm = add_flags(imm, "INAT_SCNDIMM")
+ } else
+ imm = imm_flag[i]
+ } else if (match(i, modrm_expr))
+ mod = "INAT_MODRM"
+ }
+ return add_flags(imm, mod)
+/^[0-9a-f]+\:/ {
+ if (NR == 1)
+ next
+ # get index
+ idx = "0x" substr($1, 1, index($1,":") - 1)
+ if (idx in table)
+ semantic_error("Redefine " idx " in " tname)
+ # check if escaped opcode
+ if ("escape" == $2) {
+ if ($3 != "#")
+ semantic_error("No escaped name")
+ ref = ""
+ for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++)
+ ref = ref $i
+ if (ref in escape)
+ semantic_error("Redefine escape (" ref ")")
+ escape[ref] = geid
+ geid++
+ table[idx] = "INAT_MAKE_ESCAPE(" escape[ref] ")"
+ next
+ }
+ variant = null
+ # converts
+ i = 2
+ while (i <= NF) {
+ opcode = $(i++)
+ delete opnds
+ ext = null
+ flags = null
+ opnd = null
+ # parse one opcode
+ if (match($i, opnd_expr)) {
+ opnd = $i
+ count = split($(i++), opnds, ",")
+ flags = convert_operands(count, opnds)
+ }
+ if (match($i, ext_expr))
+ ext = $(i++)
+ if (match($i, sep_expr))
+ i++
+ else if (i < NF)
+ semantic_error($i " is not a separator")
+ # check if group opcode
+ if (match(opcode, group_expr)) {
+ if (!(opcode in group)) {
+ group[opcode] = ggid
+ ggid++
+ }
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_MAKE_GROUP(" group[opcode] ")")
+ }
+ # check force(or default) 64bit
+ if (match(ext, force64_expr))
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_FORCE64")
+ # check REX prefix
+ if (match(opcode, rex_expr))
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX)")
+ # check coprocessor escape : TODO
+ if (match(opcode, fpu_expr))
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_MODRM")
+ # check VEX only code
+ if (match(ext, vexonly_expr))
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY")
+ # check VEX only code
+ if (match(ext, vexok_expr))
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_VEXOK")
+ # check prefixes
+ if (match(ext, prefix_expr)) {
+ if (!prefix_num[opcode])
+ semantic_error("Unknown prefix: " opcode)
+ flags = add_flags(flags, "INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(" prefix_num[opcode] ")")
+ }
+ if (length(flags) == 0)
+ continue
+ # check if last prefix
+ if (match(ext, lprefix1_expr)) {
+ lptable1[idx] = add_flags(lptable1[idx],flags)
+ variant = "INAT_VARIANT"
+ } else if (match(ext, lprefix2_expr)) {
+ lptable2[idx] = add_flags(lptable2[idx],flags)
+ variant = "INAT_VARIANT"
+ } else if (match(ext, lprefix3_expr)) {
+ lptable3[idx] = add_flags(lptable3[idx],flags)
+ variant = "INAT_VARIANT"
+ } else {
+ table[idx] = add_flags(table[idx],flags)
+ }
+ }
+ if (variant)
+ table[idx] = add_flags(table[idx],variant)
+END {
+ if (awkchecked != "")
+ exit 1
+ # print escape opcode map's array
+ print "/* Escape opcode map array */"
+ print "const insn_attr_t const *inat_escape_tables[INAT_ESC_MAX + 1]" \
+ "[INAT_LSTPFX_MAX + 1] = {"
+ for (i = 0; i < geid; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < max_lprefix; j++)
+ if (etable[i,j])
+ print " ["i"]["j"] = "etable[i,j]","
+ print "};\n"
+ # print group opcode map's array
+ print "/* Group opcode map array */"
+ print "const insn_attr_t const *inat_group_tables[INAT_GRP_MAX + 1]"\
+ "[INAT_LSTPFX_MAX + 1] = {"
+ for (i = 0; i < ggid; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < max_lprefix; j++)
+ if (gtable[i,j])
+ print " ["i"]["j"] = "gtable[i,j]","
+ print "};\n"
+ # print AVX opcode map's array
+ print "/* AVX opcode map array */"
+ print "const insn_attr_t const *inat_avx_tables[X86_VEX_M_MAX + 1]"\
+ "[INAT_LSTPFX_MAX + 1] = {"
+ for (i = 0; i < gaid; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < max_lprefix; j++)
+ if (atable[i,j])
+ print " ["i"]["j"] = "atable[i,j]","
+ print "};"
diff --git a/arch/x86/tools/test_get_len.c b/arch/x86/tools/test_get_len.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bee8d6ac2691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/tools/test_get_len.c
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2009
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define unlikely(cond) (cond)
+#include <asm/insn.h>
+#include <inat.c>
+#include <insn.c>
+ * Test of instruction analysis in general and insn_get_length() in
+ * particular. See if insn_get_length() and the disassembler agree
+ * on the length of each instruction in an elf disassembly.
+ *
+ * Usage: objdump -d a.out | awk -f distill.awk | ./test_get_len
+ */
+const char *prog;
+static int verbose;
+static int x86_64;
+static void usage(void)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: objdump -d a.out | awk -f distill.awk |"
+ " %s [-y|-n] [-v] \n", prog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t-y 64bit mode\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t-n 32bit mode\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t-v verbose mode\n");
+ exit(1);
+static void malformed_line(const char *line, int line_nr)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: malformed line %d:\n%s", prog, line_nr, line);
+ exit(3);
+static void dump_field(FILE *fp, const char *name, const char *indent,
+ struct insn_field *field)
+ fprintf(fp, "%s.%s = {\n", indent, name);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s\t.value = %d, bytes[] = {%x, %x, %x, %x},\n",
+ indent, field->value, field->bytes[0], field->bytes[1],
+ field->bytes[2], field->bytes[3]);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s\ = %d, .nbytes = %d},\n", indent,
+ field->got, field->nbytes);
+static void dump_insn(FILE *fp, struct insn *insn)
+ fprintf(fp, "Instruction = { \n");
+ dump_field(fp, "prefixes", "\t", &insn->prefixes);
+ dump_field(fp, "rex_prefix", "\t", &insn->rex_prefix);
+ dump_field(fp, "vex_prefix", "\t", &insn->vex_prefix);
+ dump_field(fp, "opcode", "\t", &insn->opcode);
+ dump_field(fp, "modrm", "\t", &insn->modrm);
+ dump_field(fp, "sib", "\t", &insn->sib);
+ dump_field(fp, "displacement", "\t", &insn->displacement);
+ dump_field(fp, "immediate1", "\t", &insn->immediate1);
+ dump_field(fp, "immediate2", "\t", &insn->immediate2);
+ fprintf(fp, "\t.attr = %x, .opnd_bytes = %d, .addr_bytes = %d,\n",
+ insn->attr, insn->opnd_bytes, insn->addr_bytes);
+ fprintf(fp, "\t.length = %d, .x86_64 = %d, .kaddr = %p}\n",
+ insn->length, insn->x86_64, insn->kaddr);
+static void parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
+ int c;
+ prog = argv[0];
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ynv")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'y':
+ x86_64 = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ x86_64 = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage();
+ }
+ }
+#define BUFSIZE 256
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ char line[BUFSIZE], sym[BUFSIZE] = "<unknown>";
+ unsigned char insn_buf[16];
+ struct insn insn;
+ int insns = 0;
+ int warnings = 0;
+ parse_args(argc, argv);
+ while (fgets(line, BUFSIZE, stdin)) {
+ char copy[BUFSIZE], *s, *tab1, *tab2;
+ int nb = 0;
+ unsigned int b;
+ if (line[0] == '<') {
+ /* Symbol line */
+ strcpy(sym, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ insns++;
+ memset(insn_buf, 0, 16);
+ strcpy(copy, line);
+ tab1 = strchr(copy, '\t');
+ if (!tab1)
+ malformed_line(line, insns);
+ s = tab1 + 1;
+ s += strspn(s, " ");
+ tab2 = strchr(s, '\t');
+ if (!tab2)
+ malformed_line(line, insns);
+ *tab2 = '\0'; /* Characters beyond tab2 aren't examined */
+ while (s < tab2) {
+ if (sscanf(s, "%x", &b) == 1) {
+ insn_buf[nb++] = (unsigned char) b;
+ s += 3;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Decode an instruction */
+ insn_init(&insn, insn_buf, x86_64);
+ insn_get_length(&insn);
+ if (insn.length != nb) {
+ warnings++;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s found difference at %s\n",
+ prog, sym);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s", line);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: objdump says %d bytes, but "
+ "insn_get_length() says %d\n", nb,
+ insn.length);
+ if (verbose)
+ dump_insn(stderr, &insn);
+ }
+ }
+ if (warnings)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: decoded and checked %d"
+ " instructions with %d warnings\n", insns, warnings);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "Succeed: decoded and checked %d"
+ " instructions\n", insns);
+ return 0;