path: root/drivers/staging/ktap/scripts/game/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/ktap/scripts/game/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/ktap/scripts/game/ b/drivers/staging/ktap/scripts/game/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7125cd4e46ce..000000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/ktap/scripts/game/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ktap
-# Tetris KTAP Script
-# Copyright (C) 2013/OCT/05 Tadaki SAKAI
-# based on stapgames (Systemtap Game Collection)
-# - Requirements
-# Kernel Configuration: CONFIG_KPROBE_EVENT=y
-# CPU Architecture : x86_64
-# - Setup
-# $ sudo mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/
-# $ git clone
-# $ cd ktap
-# $ make 2>&1 | tee ../make.log
-# $ sudo make load
-# $ sudo sh -c 'echo 50000 > /sys/module/ktapvm/parameters/max_exec_count'
-# - Run Tetris
-# $ sudo ./ktap scripts/game/
-# utils
-function rand(max) {
- r = gettimeofday_us()
- if (r < 0) {
- r = r * -1
- }
- return r % max
-color_table = {}
-color_table["Black"] = 40
-color_table["Red"] = 41
-color_table["Green"] = 42
-color_table["Yellow"] = 43
-color_table["Blue"] = 44
-color_table["Purple"] = 45
-color_table["Cyan"] = 46
-color_table["White"] = 47
-function get_color_number(txt) {
- return color_table[txt]
-color_table_text = {}
-color_table_text[40] = "Black"
-color_table_text[41] = "Red"
-color_table_text[42] = "Green"
-color_table_text[43] = "Yellow"
-color_table_text[44] = "Blue"
-color_table_text[45] = "Purple"
-color_table_text[46] = "Cyan"
-color_table_text[47] = "White"
-function get_color_text(num) {
- return color_table_text[num]
-function update_display() {
- for (i = 0, 239, 1) {
- if ((i % 12 - 11) != 0) {
- tmp = ""
- } else {
- tmp = "\n"
- }
- if (display_buffer[240 + i] == back_text) {
- printf("%s%s", back_text, tmp)
- } else {
- ctext = display_buffer[240 + i]
- ansi.set_color2(get_color_number(ctext),
- get_color_number(ctext))
- printf(" %s", tmp)
- ansi.reset_color()
- }
- # clear the display buffer
- display_buffer[240 + i] = display_buffer[i]
- }
- printf("%d\n",point)
-# global value
-key_code = 0
-point = 0
-block_number = 0
-height = 0
-height_update = 0
-destination_position = {}
-back_text = {}
-block_color = {}
-display_buffer = {}
-block_data0 = {}
-block_data1 = {}
-block_data2 = {}
-block_data3 = {}
-block_data4 = {}
-block_data5 = {}
-block_data6 = {}
-block_table = {}
-# Initialize
-# Create blocks
-# block is represented by the position from the center.
-# Every block has "L" part in the center except for a bar.
-block_data0[0] = -11 # non-"L" part for each block
-block_data1[0] = -24
-block_data2[0] = 2
-block_data3[0] = 13
-block_data4[0] = -13
-block_data5[0] = -1
-block_data6[0] = 2
-block_table[0] = block_data0
-block_table[1] = block_data1
-block_table[2] = block_data2
-block_table[3] = block_data3
-block_table[4] = block_data4
-block_table[5] = block_data5
-block_table[6] = block_data6
-for (i = 0, len(block_table) - 1, 1) {
- # common "L" part
- block_table[i][1] = 0
- block_table[i][2] = 1
- block_table[i][3] = -12
-block_table[6][3] = -1 # bar is not common
-# Position: 1 row has 12 columns,
-# and (x, y) is represented by h = x + y * 12.p
-height = 17 # First block position (center)
-for (i = 0, 240, 1) {
- # Wall and Floor (sentinel)
- if (((i % 12) < 2) || (i > 228)) {
- block_color = "White"
- tmp = block_color
- } else {
- back_text = " "
- tmp = back_text
- }
- display_buffer[i - 1] = tmp
- display_buffer[240 + i - 1] = tmp
-block_number = rand(len(color_table) - 1)
-block_color = get_color_text(block_number + 40)
-# Key Input
-trace probe:kbd_event handle=%di event_type=%si event_code=%dx value=%cx {
- # Only can run it in x86_64
- #
- # Register follow x86_64 call conversion:
- #
- # x86_64:
- # %rcx 4 argument
- # %rdx 3 argument
- # %rsi 2 argument
- # %rdi 1 argument
- local event_code = arg4
- local value = arg5
- if (value != 0) {
- if ((event_code - 4) != 0) {
- key_code = event_code
- }
- }
-# timer
-tick-200ms {
- ansi.clear_screen()
- f = 0 # move/rotate flag
- if (key_code != 0) { # if key is pressed
- if(key_code != 103) { #move left or right
- # d: movement direction
- if ((key_code - 105) != 0) {
- if ((key_code - 106) != 0) {
- d = 0
- } else {
- d = 1
- }
- } else {
- d = -1
- }
- for (i = 0, 3, 1) { # check if the block can be moved
- # destination is free
- if (display_buffer[height +
- block_table[block_number][i] + d]
- != back_text) {
- f = 1
- }
- }
- # move if destinations of every block are free
- if (f == 0) {
- height = height + d
- }
- } else { # rotate
- for (i = 0, 3, 1) { # check if block can be rotated
- # each block position
- p = block_table[block_number][i]
- # destination x pos(p/12 rounded)
- v = (p * 2 + 252) / 24 - 10
- w = p - v * 12 # destination y pos
- # destination position
- destination_position[i] = w * 12 - v
- # check if desetination is free
- if (display_buffer[height +
- destination_position[i]] != back_text) {
- f = 1
- }
- }
- if (f == 0) {
- # rotate if destinations of every block
- # are free
- for (i = 0, 3, 1) {
- block_table[block_number][i] =
- destination_position[i]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- key_code = 0 # clear the input key
- f = 0
- for (i = 0, 3, 1) { # drop 1 row
- # check if destination is free
- p = height + block_table[block_number][i]
- if (display_buffer[12 + p] != back_text) {
- f = 1
- }
- # copy the moving block to display buffer
- display_buffer[240 + p] = block_color
- }
- if ((f == 1) && (height == 17)) {
- update_display()
- exit() # exit if there are block at initial position
- }
- height_update = !height_update
- if (height_update != 0) {
- if(f != 0) { # the block can't drop anymore
- for (i = 0, 3, 1) {
- # fix the block
- display_buffer[height +
- block_table[block_number][i]] = block_color
- }
- # determin the next block
- block_number = rand(len(color_table) - 1)
- block_color = get_color_text(block_number + 40)
- height = 17 # make the block to initial position
- } else {
- height = height + 12 # drop the block 1 row
- }
- }
- k = 1
- for (i = 18, 0, -1) { #check if line is filled
- # search for filled line
- j = 10
- while ((j > 0) &&
- (display_buffer[i * 12 + j] != back_text)) {
- j = j - 1
- }
- if (j == 0) { # filled!
- # add a point: 1 line - 1 point, ..., tetris - 10points
- point = point + k
- k = k + 1
- # drop every upper block
- j = (i + 1) * 12
- i = i + 1
- while (j > 2 * 12) {
- j = j - 1
- display_buffer[j] = display_buffer[j - 12]
- }
- }
- }
- update_display()