AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-11-30[tegra/odm_kit]: Update copyright noticestegra-10.9.6Hoang Pham
2010-11-30[ARM/tegra] RM: Stopped DVFS in PM_SUSPEND_PREPARE.Alex Frid
2010-11-30[ARM/tegra] RM: Disabled 3D power gating in LP1.Alex Frid
2010-11-29[arm/tegra] Keep SDIO1 lines high on boot-up.Rahul Bansal
2010-11-29[tegra ALSA] create two devices for audioRavindra Lokhande
2010-11-29sdhci-tegra:Limiting clock based on platform clock limits.pkunapuli
2010-11-29[Tegra NvRm]: Tristate MCLK if mediaserver crashbyan
2010-11-24video: tegra: nvmap: Clean whole L1 instead of VA cleaningvdumpa
2010-11-24[arm/tegra]dma: protecting the dma transfer count updateLaxman Dewangan
2010-11-22[arm/tegra] nvrm: open handle at postcore initialization.Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-22[arm/tegra] serial: Getting dma transfer count with rts inactive.Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-22[arm/tegra] serial: Support for break on console driver.Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-19[arm/config] Ventana: Enable suspend for USB.Rakesh Bodla
2010-11-19[arm/tegra/odm] ventana: Supporting pin multiplexing for i2c-1Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-19[tegra/odm_kit]: Update copyright noticesHoang Pham
2010-11-17[arm/tegra] spi: Setting functional mode at open.Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-16[arm/tegra]gpio: GPIO A07 belongs to SDB pin group.Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-15[arm/tegra] cache kfuses on boottegra-10.9.5Jon Mayo
2010-11-15[ARM/Tegra] Solve DMA race condition on closeScott Peterson
2010-11-15[arm/tegra] Support for Wake-On-Wireless Event.Rahul Bansal
2010-11-12[ARM/tegra] RM: Disabled 3D module power gating.Alex Frid
2010-11-11[tegra/nvos] Handle -EINTR in NvOsSemaphoreWaitInterruptiblevdumpa
2010-11-10[arm/tegra] i2c:Using direct native dma calls in i2c driver.Laxman Dewangan
2010-11-06[arm] harmony: Enable PCIe/SATA config in gnu_linux configuration.Winnie Hsu
2010-11-06nvmap: Improved compaction algorithm implementedKirill Artamonov
2010-11-06[ARM/Tegra] nvmap fix for crash in spin_lock() callThomas Roell
2010-11-06[ARM/tegra] RM: Updated power ungating procedure.Alex Frid
2010-11-04odm: enable bluetooth wake conditinal to CONFIG_BT_BLUESLEEPUday Raval
2010-11-04ARM: Add SWP/SWPB emulation for ARMv7 processors (v5)Leif Lindholm
2010-11-04[arm/tegra] enable SWP/SWPB emulationJon Mayo
2010-10-29[ARM/tegra] RM: Increased PLLC VCO for HDMI config.tegra-10.9.4Alex Frid
2010-10-29[ARM/tegra] RM: Updated PLL configuration procedure.Alex Frid
2010-10-28[tegra/bluesleep]enable BT_BLUESLEEP for csr boardsrgoyal
2010-10-28csr lowpower mode:adding bluesleep support for csrrgoyal
2010-10-27[ARM/TEGRA] ventana odm_kit power supply rail usage correctionNarendra Damahe
2010-10-27[arm/tegra]ventana:Set pingroup SDD, SDC to lp on suspendSuresh Mangipudi
2010-10-27[[ARM/Tegra] Clean up build warning messagelazhao
2010-10-27[ARM/tegra] RM: Restored core lock sysfs node.Alex Frid
2010-10-26[arm/tegra] support RTC alarm interrupt in odm_kitJon Mayo
2010-10-25sdhci-tegra:Detect SD cards inserted during suspend.Pavan Kunapuli
2010-10-25nvmap: various fixes for bug 743185Venkata (Muni) Anda
2010-10-25defconfig: install apps on sdcardTom Cherry
2010-10-25[arm/tegra]ventana ODM:getBoardInfo() correctionNarendra Damahe
2010-10-22[Arm/config]Harmony: Enable config USB MASS_STORAGERakesh Bodla
2010-10-22[ventana/usb] turn off vbusSuresh Mangipudi
2010-10-22sdhci-tegra:Passing the correct handle to read/write macros.Pavan Kunapuli
2010-10-21[ARM]: touch: low power mode for touchscreen.Suresh Mangipudi
2010-10-21[ehci-tegra] Fix VBUS handling in OTG modeVenkat Moganty
2010-10-20[arm/tegra] serial: Stop rx dma only if transfer in progress.Laxman Dewangan
2010-10-20[ARM/tegra] suspend: Consolidated dvfs/TMON resume.Alex Frid