path: root/drivers/crypto/tegra-se.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-02-04crypto: tegra-se: Use proper rsa key slotvenkatajagadish
2012-10-31crypto: tegra-se: Fix t114 SE context save failureMallikarjun Kasoju
2012-10-25crypto: tegra-se: LP context save support for t11xMallikarjun Kasoju
2012-08-20crypto: tegra-se: Limit max bytes to processMallikarjun Kasoju
2012-06-29crypto: tegra-se: Add SP800-90 RNG supportMallikarjun Kasoju
2012-06-29crypto: tegra-se: Added RSA supportMallikarjun Kasoju
2012-03-22crypto: tegra-se: Disable read access to all key slotsKasoju Mallikarjun
2012-03-22crypto: tegra-se: add LP context save supportKasoju Mallikarjun
2012-03-22crypto: tegra-se: code refactor and fix clock disableVarun Wadekar
2012-03-22crypto: se: tegra: Support for Security EngineKasoju Mallikarjun