image: $CI_IMAGE variables: # uncomment for the pipeline debug purpose # CI_DEBUG_TRACE: "true" CI_IMAGE: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" # Kernel Configuration Section # Supplementary Tool Section # Artifacts configuring section KERNEL_CONFIG_BUILD_LOG_FILE_NAME: build_config.log KERNEL_BUILD_LOG_FILE_NAME: build.log KERNEL_CONFIGURATION_FILE: .config # Defining temporary build folder to do outside of the box builds. Absolute path TEMP_BUILD_FOLDER: /builds/temp-builds stages: - build-product .build_base: stage: build-product variables: GIT_STRATEGY: fetch # To run just on merge request # only: # - merge_requests # when: manual script: | #set -o xtrace cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR echo -e "Compiler used to build binaries is" which ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc --version echo -e "Arch is \e[36m$ARCH\e[39m" mkdir -p $TEMP_BUILD_FOLDER make O=$TEMP_BUILD_FOLDER $DEFCONFIG | tee $KERNEL_CONFIG_BUILD_LOG_FILE_NAME make O=$TEMP_BUILD_FOLDER -j3 2>&1 | tee $KERNEL_BUILD_LOG_FILE_NAME # Artifacts should be uploaded from the CI folder, so we should to copy it cp $TEMP_BUILD_FOLDER/$KERNEL_CONFIGURATION_FILE $CI_PROJECT_DIR #find / -name ".config" -print artifacts: when: always name: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" paths: - $KERNEL_CONFIG_BUILD_LOG_FILE_NAME - $KERNEL_BUILD_LOG_FILE_NAME - $KERNEL_CONFIGURATION_FILE # To allow single steps failing without failing the whole pipeline # allow_failure: true after_script: - set -o xtrace - rm -rf $TEMP_BUILD_FOLDER # If you need additional products build just copy-paste build_******_product section with new config name build_apalis_product_imx6 : extends: .build_base variables: DEFCONFIG: apalis_imx6_defconfig stage: build-product build_apalis_product_imx6_android : extends: .build_base variables: DEFCONFIG: apalis_imx6_android_defconfig # This only stage is set to manual mode because android config is not in the scope of the overall build when: manual stage: build-product build_colibri_product_imx6 : extends: .build_base variables: DEFCONFIG: colibri_imx6_defconfig stage: build-product build_colibri_product_imx7 : extends: .build_base variables: DEFCONFIG: colibri_imx7_defconfig stage: build-product build_colibri_product_imx6ull : extends: .build_base variables: DEFCONFIG: colibri-imx6ull_defconfig stage: build-product