* arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra12_edp.c
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
static struct tegra_sysedp_corecap td580d_sysedp_corecap[] = {
GPU MaxF 853000 KHz
CPU MaxBudget 12000 mW
/*mW CPU intensive load GPU intensive load */
/*mW budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) pthrot(mW)*/
{5000, {1500, 108000, 933000 }, {1500, 108000, 933000 }, 1116 },
{6000, {3000, 108000, 933000 }, {3000, 108000, 933000 }, 2109 },
{7000, {4000, 108000, 933000 }, {3000, 180000, 933000 }, 2589 },
{8000, {5000, 108000, 933000 }, {3000, 252000, 933000 }, 3068 },
{9000, {6000, 180000, 933000 }, {2500, 396000, 933000 }, 3630 },
{10000, {7000, 108000, 933000 }, {3500, 396000, 933000 }, 4425 },
{11000, {7000, 252000, 933000 }, {4000, 468000, 933000 }, 5301 },
{12000, {8000, 180000, 933000 }, {3000, 540000, 933000 }, 5348 },
{13000, {9000, 108000, 933000 }, {5000, 540000, 933000 }, 6969 },
{14000, {10000, 108000, 933000 }, {3500, 612000, 933000 }, 6846 },
{15000, {10000, 180000, 933000 }, {4000, 648000, 933000 }, 7880 },
{16000, {11000, 180000, 933000 }, {3500, 684000, 933000 }, 8120 },
{17000, {12000, 108000, 933000 }, {4000, 708000, 933000 }, 9024 },
{18000, {12000, 252000, 933000 }, {3000, 756000, 933000 }, 9252 },
{19000, {12000, 252000, 933000 }, {4000, 756000, 933000 }, 10046 },
{20000, {12000, 396000, 933000 }, {5000, 756000, 933000 }, 10873 },
{21000, {12000, 468000, 933000 }, {3500, 804000, 933000 }, 10909 },
{22000, {12000, 540000, 933000 }, {4000, 804000, 933000 }, 11306 },
{23000, {12000, 540000, 933000 }, {4000, 853000, 933000 }, 12696 },
{24000, {12000, 612000, 933000 }, {5000, 853000, 933000 }, 13524 },
{25000, {12000, 612000, 933000 }, {5000, 853000, 933000 }, 13524 },
{26000, {12000, 684000, 933000 }, {6000, 853000, 933000 }, 14452 },
{27000, {12000, 708000, 933000 }, {7000, 853000, 933000 }, 15002 },
{28000, {12000, 708000, 933000 }, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 16030 },
{29000, {12000, 756000, 933000 }, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 16311 },
{30000, {12000, 756000, 933000 }, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 16311 },
{31000, {12000, 756000, 933000 }, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 16311 },
{32000, {12000, 804000, 933000 }, {9000, 853000, 933000 }, 16883 },
{33000, {12000, 804000, 933000 }, {10000, 853000, 933000 }, 17721 },
static struct tegra_sysedp_corecap td570d_sysedp_corecap[] = {
GPU MaxF 648000 KHz
CPU MaxBudget 9000 mW
/*mW CPU intensive load GPU intensive load */
/*mW budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) pthrot(mW)*/
{5000, {1500, 108000, 792000 }, {1500, 108000, 792000 }, 918 },
{6000, {3000, 108000, 792000 }, {3000, 108000, 792000 }, 2109 },
{7000, {4000, 108000, 792000 }, {3000, 180000, 792000 }, 2589 },
{8000, {5000, 108000, 792000 }, {3000, 252000, 792000 }, 3068 },
{9000, {6000, 180000, 792000 }, {2500, 396000, 792000 }, 3630 },
{10000, {7000, 108000, 792000 }, {3500, 396000, 792000 }, 4425 },
{11000, {7000, 252000, 792000 }, {4000, 468000, 792000 }, 5301 },
{12000, {8000, 180000, 792000 }, {3000, 540000, 792000 }, 5348 },
{13000, {9000, 108000, 792000 }, {5000, 540000, 792000 }, 6969 },
{14000, {9000, 180000, 792000 }, {3500, 612000, 792000 }, 6846 },
{15000, {9000, 252000, 792000 }, {4000, 648000, 792000 }, 7880 },
{16000, {9000, 396000, 792000 }, {5000, 648000, 792000 }, 8770 },
{17000, {9000, 468000, 792000 }, {6000, 648000, 792000 }, 9488 },
{18000, {9000, 468000, 792000 }, {7000, 648000, 792000 }, 9488 },
{19000, {9000, 540000, 792000 }, {7000, 648000, 792000 }, 10185 },
{20000, {9000, 612000, 792000 }, {7000, 648000, 792000 }, 10185 },
{21000, {9000, 612000, 792000 }, {8000, 648000, 792000 }, 10804 },
{22000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{23000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{24000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{25000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{26000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{27000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{28000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{29000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{30000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{31000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{32000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
{33000, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, {9000, 648000, 792000 }, 12066 },
static struct tegra_sysedp_corecap td575d_sysedp_corecap[] = {
GPU MaxF 853000 KHz
CPU MaxBudget 10000 mW
/*mW CPU intensive load GPU intensive load */
/*mW budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) pthrot(mW) */
{5000, {1500, 108000, 933000}, {1500, 108000, 933000 }, 918 },
{6000, {3000, 108000, 933000}, {3000, 108000, 933000 }, 2109 },
{7000, {4000, 108000, 933000}, {3000, 180000, 933000 }, 2589 },
{8000, {5000, 108000, 933000}, {3000, 252000, 933000 }, 3068 },
{9000, {6000, 180000, 933000}, {2500, 396000, 933000 }, 3630 },
{10000, {7000, 108000, 933000}, {3500, 396000, 933000 }, 4425 },
{11000, {7000, 252000, 933000}, {4000, 468000, 933000 }, 5301 },
{12000, {8000, 180000, 933000}, {3000, 540000, 933000 }, 5348 },
{13000, {9000, 108000, 933000}, {5000, 540000, 933000 }, 6969 },
{14000, {10000, 108000, 933000}, {3500, 612000, 933000 }, 6846 },
{15000, {10000, 180000, 933000}, {4000, 648000, 933000 }, 7880 },
{16000, {10000, 252000, 933000}, {3500, 684000, 933000 }, 8120 },
{17000, {10000, 396000, 933000}, {4000, 708000, 933000 }, 9024 },
{18000, {10000, 396000, 933000}, {3000, 756000, 933000 }, 9252 },
{19000, {10000, 468000, 933000}, {4000, 756000, 933000 }, 10046 },
{20000, {10000, 540000, 933000}, {5000, 756000, 933000 }, 10873 },
{21000, {10000, 540000, 933000}, {3500, 804000, 933000 }, 10909 },
{22000, {10000, 612000, 933000}, {4000, 804000, 933000 }, 11306 },
{23000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {4000, 853000, 933000 }, 12696 },
{24000, {10000, 708000, 933000}, {5000, 853000, 933000 }, 13524 },
{25000, {10000, 708000, 933000}, {5000, 853000, 933000 }, 13524 },
{26000, {10000, 708000, 933000}, {6000, 853000, 933000 }, 14049 },
{27000, {10000, 756000, 933000}, {7000, 853000, 933000 }, 15002 },
{28000, {10000, 756000, 933000}, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 15071 },
{29000, {10000, 804000, 933000}, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 15621 },
{30000, {10000, 804000, 933000}, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 15621 },
{31000, {10000, 804000, 933000}, {8000, 853000, 933000 }, 15621 },
{32000, {10000, 804000, 933000}, {9000, 853000, 933000 }, 16331 },
{33000, {10000, 853000, 933000}, {10000, 853000, 933000 }, 17721 },
static struct tegra_sysedp_corecap cd570m_sysedp_corecap[] = {
GPU MaxF 648000 KHz
CPU MaxBudget 10000 mW
/*mW CPU intensive load GPU intensive load */
/*mW budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) budget gpu(khz) mem(khz) pthrot(mW)*/
{5000, {1500, 108000, 933000}, {1500, 108000, 933000}, 918 },
{6000, {3000, 108000, 933000}, {3000, 108000, 933000}, 2109 },
{7000, {4000, 108000, 933000}, {3000, 180000, 933000}, 2589 },
{8000, {5000, 108000, 933000}, {3000, 252000, 933000}, 3068 },
{9000, {6000, 180000, 933000}, {2500, 396000, 933000}, 3630 },
{10000, {7000, 108000, 933000}, {3500, 396000, 933000}, 4425 },
{11000, {7000, 252000, 933000}, {4000, 468000, 933000}, 5301 },
{12000, {8000, 180000, 933000}, {3000, 540000, 933000}, 5348 },
{13000, {9000, 108000, 933000}, {5000, 540000, 933000}, 6969 },
{14000, {10000, 108000, 933000}, {3500, 612000, 933000}, 6846 },
{15000, {10000, 180000, 933000}, {4000, 648000, 933000}, 7880 },
{16000, {10000, 252000, 933000}, {5000, 648000, 933000}, 8707 },
{17000, {10000, 396000, 933000}, {6000, 648000, 933000}, 9636 },
{18000, {10000, 396000, 933000}, {7000, 648000, 933000}, 9846 },
{19000, {10000, 468000, 933000}, {7000, 648000, 933000}, 10185 },
{20000, {10000, 540000, 933000}, {7000, 648000, 933000}, 10185 },
{21000, {10000, 540000, 933000}, {8000, 648000, 933000}, 10804 },
{22000, {10000, 612000, 933000}, {9000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{23000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{24000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{25000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{26000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{27000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{28000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{29000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{30000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{31000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{32000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
{33000, {10000, 648000, 933000}, {10000, 648000, 933000}, 12904 },
struct tegra_sysedp_corecap *tegra_get_sysedp_corecap(unsigned int *sz)
int cpu_speedo_id;
int gpu_speedo_id;
BUG_ON(sz == NULL);
cpu_speedo_id = tegra_cpu_speedo_id();
gpu_speedo_id = tegra_gpu_speedo_id();
switch (cpu_speedo_id) {
case 0x6:
case 0x5:
case 0x2:
if (gpu_speedo_id == 1) {
/* 575 variants */
*sz = ARRAY_SIZE(td575d_sysedp_corecap);
return td575d_sysedp_corecap;
} else {
/* CD570M */
*sz = ARRAY_SIZE(cd570m_sysedp_corecap);
return cd570m_sysedp_corecap;
case 0x3:
case 0x1:
/* 580 variants */
*sz = ARRAY_SIZE(td580d_sysedp_corecap);
return td580d_sysedp_corecap;
pr_warn("%s: Unknown cpu_speedo_id, 0x%x. "
" Assuming td570d sysedp_corecap table.\n",
__func__, cpu_speedo_id);
/* intentional fall-through */
case 0x0:
/* 570 variants */
*sz = ARRAY_SIZE(td570d_sysedp_corecap);
return td570d_sysedp_corecap;
static struct tegra_edp_gpu_powermodel_params t12x_gpu_powermodel_params = {
.common = {
.temp_scaled = 10,
.dyn_scaled = 1000,
.dyn_consts_n = { 10646, },
.consts_scaled = 1,
.leakage_consts_n = { 1, },
.ijk_scaled = 100000,
.leakage_min = 30,
.leakage_consts_ijk = {
/* i = 0 */
{ { -208796792, 37746202, -9648869, 725660, },
{ 704446675, -133808535, 34470023, -2464142, },
{ -783701649, 146557393, -38623024, 2654269, },
{ 292709580, -51246839, 13984499, -934964, },
/* i = 1 */
{ { 115095343, -65602614, 11251896, -838394, },
{ -394753929, 263095142, -49006854, 3326269, },
{ 441644020, -313320338, 61612126, -3916786, },
{ -164021554, 118634317, -24406245, 1517573, },
/* i = 2 */
{ { -38857760, 12243796, -1964159, 181232, },
{ 143265078, -71110695, 13985680, -917947, },
{ -171456530, 98906114, -21261015, 1216159, },
{ 67437536, -40520060, 9265259, -484818, },
/* i = 3 */
{ { 1795940, -345535, 83004, -20007, },
{ -8549105, 6333235, -1479815, 115441, },
{ 12192546, -10880741, 2632212, -161404, },
{ -5328587, 4953756, -1215038, 64556, },
struct tegra_edp_gpu_powermodel_params *tegra12x_get_gpu_powermodel_params(void)
return &t12x_gpu_powermodel_params;
#if !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_13x_SOC)
{ \
/* i = 0 */ \
{ { -309609464, 197786326, -40763150, 1613941, }, \
{ 964716269, -569081375, 115781607, -4206296, }, \
{ -994324790, 529664031, -106360108, 3454033, }, \
{ 343209442, -160577505, 31928605, -895157, }, \
}, \
/* i = 1 */ \
{ { 616319664, -637007187, 137759592, -7194133, }, \
{ -1853817283, 1896032851, -407407611, 20868220, }, \
{ 1824097131, -1831611624, 390753403, -19530122, }, \
{ -589155245, 578838526, -122655676, 5985577, }, \
}, \
/* i = 2 */ \
{ { -439994037, 455845250, -104097013, 6191899, }, \
{ 1354650774, -1395561938, 318665647, -18886906, }, \
{ -1361677255, 1390149678, -317474532, 18728266, }, \
{ 447877887, -451382027, 103201434, -6046692, }, \
}, \
/* i = 3 */ \
{ { 56797556, -59779544, 13810295, -848290, }, \
{ -175867301, 184753957, -42708242, 2621537, }, \
{ 177626357, -185996541, 43029384, -2638283, }, \
{ -58587547, 61075322, -14145853, 865351, }, \
}, \
{ \
.temp_scaled = 10, \
.dyn_scaled = 1000, \
.dyn_consts_n = { 950, 1399, 2166, 3041 }, \
.consts_scaled = 100, \
.leakage_consts_n = { 45, 67, 87, 100 }, \
.ijk_scaled = 100000, \
.leakage_min = 30, \
/* .volt_temp_cap = { 70, 1240 }, - TODO for T124 */ \
.leakage_consts_ijk = LEAKAGE_CONSTS_IJK_COMMON \
static struct tegra_edp_cpu_powermodel_params t12x_cpu_powermodel_params[] = {
.cpu_speedo_id = 0, /* Engg SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 1, /* Prod SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 2, /* Prod SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 3, /* Prod SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 5, /* Prod SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 6, /* Prod SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 7, /* Prod SKU */
.cpu_speedo_id = 8, /* Prod SKU */
struct tegra_edp_cpu_powermodel_params *tegra12x_get_cpu_powermodel_params(
int index,
unsigned int *sz)
BUG_ON(index >= ARRAY_SIZE(t12x_cpu_powermodel_params));
if (sz)
*sz = ARRAY_SIZE(t12x_cpu_powermodel_params);
return &t12x_cpu_powermodel_params[index];
#endif /* CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_12x_SOC */