/* * Mini SCLP driver. * * Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2009 * * Author(s): Peter Oberparleiter <Peter.Oberparleiter@de.ibm.com>, * Heiko Carstens <heiko.carstens@de.ibm.com>, * */ #include <linux/linkage.h> LC_EXT_NEW_PSW = 0x58 # addr of ext int handler LC_EXT_NEW_PSW_64 = 0x1b0 # addr of ext int handler 64 bit LC_EXT_INT_PARAM = 0x80 # addr of ext int parameter LC_EXT_INT_CODE = 0x86 # addr of ext int code LC_AR_MODE_ID = 0xa3 # # Subroutine which waits synchronously until either an external interruption # or a timeout occurs. # # Parameters: # R2 = 0 for no timeout, non-zero for timeout in (approximated) seconds # # Returns: # R2 = 0 on interrupt, 2 on timeout # R3 = external interruption parameter if R2=0 # _sclp_wait_int: stm %r6,%r15,24(%r15) # save registers basr %r13,0 # get base register .LbaseS1: ahi %r15,-96 # create stack frame la %r8,LC_EXT_NEW_PSW # register int handler la %r9,.LextpswS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT tm LC_AR_MODE_ID,1 jno .Lesa1 la %r8,LC_EXT_NEW_PSW_64 # register int handler 64 bit la %r9,.LextpswS1_64-.LbaseS1(%r13) .Lesa1: #endif mvc .LoldpswS1-.LbaseS1(16,%r13),0(%r8) mvc 0(16,%r8),0(%r9) lhi %r6,0x0200 # cr mask for ext int (cr0.54) ltr %r2,%r2 jz .LsetctS1 ahi %r6,0x0800 # cr mask for clock int (cr0.52) stck .LtimeS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) # initiate timeout al %r2,.LtimeS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) st %r2,.LtimeS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) sckc .LtimeS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) .LsetctS1: stctl %c0,%c0,.LctlS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) # enable required interrupts l %r0,.LctlS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) lhi %r1,~(0x200 | 0x800) # clear old values nr %r1,%r0 or %r1,%r6 # set new value st %r1,.LctlS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) lctl %c0,%c0,.LctlS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) st %r0,.LctlS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) lhi %r2,2 # return code for timeout .LloopS1: lpsw .LwaitpswS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) # wait until interrupt .LwaitS1: lh %r7,LC_EXT_INT_CODE chi %r7,0x1004 # timeout? je .LtimeoutS1 chi %r7,0x2401 # service int? jne .LloopS1 sr %r2,%r2 l %r3,LC_EXT_INT_PARAM .LtimeoutS1: lctl %c0,%c0,.LctlS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) # restore interrupt setting # restore old handler mvc 0(16,%r8),.LoldpswS1-.LbaseS1(%r13) lm %r6,%r15,120(%r15) # restore registers br %r14 # return to caller .align 8 .LoldpswS1: .long 0, 0, 0, 0 # old ext int PSW .LextpswS1: .long 0x00080000, 0x80000000+.LwaitS1 # PSW to handle ext int #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT .LextpswS1_64: .quad 0x0000000180000000, .LwaitS1 # PSW to handle ext int, 64 bit #endif .LwaitpswS1: .long 0x010a0000, 0x00000000+.LloopS1 # PSW to wait for ext int .LtimeS1: .quad 0 # current time .LctlS1: .long 0 # CT0 contents # # Subroutine to synchronously issue a service call. # # Parameters: # R2 = command word # R3 = sccb address # # Returns: # R2 = 0 on success, 1 on failure # R3 = sccb response code if R2 = 0 # _sclp_servc: stm %r6,%r15,24(%r15) # save registers ahi %r15,-96 # create stack frame lr %r6,%r2 # save command word lr %r7,%r3 # save sccb address .LretryS2: lhi %r2,1 # error return code .insn rre,0xb2200000,%r6,%r7 # servc brc 1,.LendS2 # exit if not operational brc 8,.LnotbusyS2 # go on if not busy sr %r2,%r2 # wait until no longer busy bras %r14,_sclp_wait_int j .LretryS2 # retry .LnotbusyS2: sr %r2,%r2 # wait until result bras %r14,_sclp_wait_int sr %r2,%r2 lh %r3,6(%r7) .LendS2: lm %r6,%r15,120(%r15) # restore registers br %r14 # # Subroutine to set up the SCLP interface. # # Parameters: # R2 = 0 to activate, non-zero to deactivate # # Returns: # R2 = 0 on success, non-zero on failure # _sclp_setup: stm %r6,%r15,24(%r15) # save registers ahi %r15,-96 # create stack frame basr %r13,0 # get base register .LbaseS3: l %r6,.LsccbS0-.LbaseS3(%r13) # prepare init mask sccb mvc 0(.LinitendS3-.LinitsccbS3,%r6),.LinitsccbS3-.LbaseS3(%r13) ltr %r2,%r2 # initialization? jz .LdoinitS3 # go ahead # clear masks xc .LinitmaskS3-.LinitsccbS3(8,%r6),.LinitmaskS3-.LinitsccbS3(%r6) .LdoinitS3: l %r2,.LwritemaskS3-.LbaseS3(%r13)# get command word lr %r3,%r6 # get sccb address bras %r14,_sclp_servc # issue service call ltr %r2,%r2 # servc successful? jnz .LerrorS3 chi %r3,0x20 # write mask successful? jne .LerrorS3 # check masks la %r2,.LinitmaskS3-.LinitsccbS3(%r6) l %r1,0(%r2) # receive mask ok? n %r1,12(%r2) cl %r1,0(%r2) jne .LerrorS3 l %r1,4(%r2) # send mask ok? n %r1,8(%r2) cl %r1,4(%r2) sr %r2,%r2 je .LendS3 .LerrorS3: lhi %r2,1 # error return code .LendS3: lm %r6,%r15,120(%r15) # restore registers br %r14 .LwritemaskS3: .long 0x00780005 # SCLP command for write mask .LinitsccbS3: .word .LinitendS3-.LinitsccbS3 .byte 0,0,0,0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 4 .LinitmaskS3: .long 0x80000000 .long 0x40000000 .long 0 .long 0 .LinitendS3: # # Subroutine which prints a given text to the SCLP console. # # Parameters: # R2 = address of nil-terminated ASCII text # # Returns: # R2 = 0 on success, 1 on failure # _sclp_print: stm %r6,%r15,24(%r15) # save registers ahi %r15,-96 # create stack frame basr %r13,0 # get base register .LbaseS4: l %r8,.LsccbS0-.LbaseS4(%r13) # prepare write data sccb mvc 0(.LmtoS4-.LwritesccbS4,%r8),.LwritesccbS4-.LbaseS4(%r13) la %r7,.LmtoS4-.LwritesccbS4(%r8) # current mto addr sr %r0,%r0 l %r10,.Lascebc-.LbaseS4(%r13) # address of translation table .LinitmtoS4: # initialize mto mvc 0(.LmtoendS4-.LmtoS4,%r7),.LmtoS4-.LbaseS4(%r13) lhi %r6,.LmtoendS4-.LmtoS4 # current mto length .LloopS4: ic %r0,0(%r2) # get character ahi %r2,1 ltr %r0,%r0 # end of string? jz .LfinalizemtoS4 chi %r0,0x15 # end of line (NL)? jz .LfinalizemtoS4 stc %r0,0(%r6,%r7) # copy to mto la %r11,0(%r6,%r7) tr 0(1,%r11),0(%r10) # translate to EBCDIC ahi %r6,1 j .LloopS4 .LfinalizemtoS4: sth %r6,0(%r7) # update mto length lh %r9,.LmdbS4-.LwritesccbS4(%r8) # update mdb length ar %r9,%r6 sth %r9,.LmdbS4-.LwritesccbS4(%r8) lh %r9,.LevbufS4-.LwritesccbS4(%r8)# update evbuf length ar %r9,%r6 sth %r9,.LevbufS4-.LwritesccbS4(%r8) lh %r9,0(%r8) # update sccb length ar %r9,%r6 sth %r9,0(%r8) ar %r7,%r6 # update current mto address ltr %r0,%r0 # more characters? jnz .LinitmtoS4 l %r2,.LwritedataS4-.LbaseS4(%r13)# write data lr %r3,%r8 bras %r14,_sclp_servc ltr %r2,%r2 # servc successful? jnz .LendS4 chi %r3,0x20 # write data successful? je .LendS4 lhi %r2,1 # error return code .LendS4: lm %r6,%r15,120(%r15) # restore registers br %r14 # # Function which prints a given text to the SCLP console. # # Parameters: # R2 = address of nil-terminated ASCII text # # Returns: # R2 = 0 on success, 1 on failure # ENTRY(_sclp_print_early) stm %r6,%r15,24(%r15) # save registers ahi %r15,-96 # create stack frame #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT tm LC_AR_MODE_ID,1 jno .Lesa2 ahi %r15,-80 stmh %r6,%r15,96(%r15) # store upper register halves .Lesa2: #endif lr %r10,%r2 # save string pointer lhi %r2,0 bras %r14,_sclp_setup # enable console ltr %r2,%r2 jnz .LendS5 lr %r2,%r10 bras %r14,_sclp_print # print string ltr %r2,%r2 jnz .LendS5 lhi %r2,1 bras %r14,_sclp_setup # disable console .LendS5: #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT tm LC_AR_MODE_ID,1 jno .Lesa3 lmh %r6,%r15,96(%r15) # store upper register halves ahi %r15,80 .Lesa3: #endif lm %r6,%r15,120(%r15) # restore registers br %r14 .LwritedataS4: .long 0x00760005 # SCLP command for write data .LwritesccbS4: # sccb .word .LmtoS4-.LwritesccbS4 .byte 0 .byte 0,0,0 .word 0 # evbuf .LevbufS4: .word .LmtoS4-.LevbufS4 .byte 0x02 .byte 0 .word 0 .LmdbS4: # mdb .word .LmtoS4-.LmdbS4 .word 1 .long 0xd4c4c240 .long 1 # go .LgoS4: .word .LmtoS4-.LgoS4 .word 1 .long 0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0 .byte 0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0 .word 0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .LmtoS4: .word .LmtoendS4-.LmtoS4 .word 4 .word 0x1000 .byte 0 .byte 0,0,0 .LmtoendS4: # Global constants .LsccbS0: .long _sclp_work_area .Lascebc: .long _ascebc .section .data,"aw",@progbits .balign 4096 _sclp_work_area: .fill 4096 .previous