/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */ /* * aoecmd.c * Filesystem request handling methods */ #include <linux/hdreg.h> #include <linux/blkdev.h> #include <linux/skbuff.h> #include <linux/netdevice.h> #include "aoe.h" #define TIMERTICK (HZ / 10) #define MINTIMER (2 * TIMERTICK) #define MAXTIMER (HZ << 1) #define MAXWAIT (60 * 3) /* After MAXWAIT seconds, give up and fail dev */ static struct sk_buff * new_skb(struct net_device *if_dev, ulong len) { struct sk_buff *skb; skb = alloc_skb(len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb) { skb->nh.raw = skb->mac.raw = skb->data; skb->dev = if_dev; skb->protocol = __constant_htons(ETH_P_AOE); skb->priority = 0; skb_put(skb, len); skb->next = skb->prev = NULL; /* tell the network layer not to perform IP checksums * or to get the NIC to do it */ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; } return skb; } static struct sk_buff * skb_prepare(struct aoedev *d, struct frame *f) { struct sk_buff *skb; char *p; skb = new_skb(d->ifp, f->ndata + f->writedatalen); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: skb_prepare: failure to allocate skb\n"); return NULL; } p = skb->mac.raw; memcpy(p, f->data, f->ndata); if (f->writedatalen) { p += sizeof(struct aoe_hdr) + sizeof(struct aoe_atahdr); memcpy(p, f->bufaddr, f->writedatalen); } return skb; } static struct frame * getframe(struct aoedev *d, int tag) { struct frame *f, *e; f = d->frames; e = f + d->nframes; for (; f<e; f++) if (f->tag == tag) return f; return NULL; } /* * Leave the top bit clear so we have tagspace for userland. * The bottom 16 bits are the xmit tick for rexmit/rttavg processing. * This driver reserves tag -1 to mean "unused frame." */ static int newtag(struct aoedev *d) { register ulong n; n = jiffies & 0xffff; return n |= (++d->lasttag & 0x7fff) << 16; } static int aoehdr_atainit(struct aoedev *d, struct aoe_hdr *h) { u32 host_tag = newtag(d); memcpy(h->src, d->ifp->dev_addr, sizeof h->src); memcpy(h->dst, d->addr, sizeof h->dst); h->type = __constant_cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_AOE); h->verfl = AOE_HVER; h->major = cpu_to_be16(d->aoemajor); h->minor = d->aoeminor; h->cmd = AOECMD_ATA; h->tag = cpu_to_be32(host_tag); return host_tag; } static void aoecmd_ata_rw(struct aoedev *d, struct frame *f) { struct aoe_hdr *h; struct aoe_atahdr *ah; struct buf *buf; struct sk_buff *skb; ulong bcnt; register sector_t sector; char writebit, extbit; writebit = 0x10; extbit = 0x4; buf = d->inprocess; sector = buf->sector; bcnt = buf->bv_resid; if (bcnt > MAXATADATA) bcnt = MAXATADATA; /* initialize the headers & frame */ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) f->data; ah = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (h+1); f->ndata = sizeof *h + sizeof *ah; memset(h, 0, f->ndata); f->tag = aoehdr_atainit(d, h); f->waited = 0; f->buf = buf; f->bufaddr = buf->bufaddr; /* set up ata header */ ah->scnt = bcnt >> 9; ah->lba0 = sector; ah->lba1 = sector >>= 8; ah->lba2 = sector >>= 8; ah->lba3 = sector >>= 8; if (d->flags & DEVFL_EXT) { ah->aflags |= AOEAFL_EXT; ah->lba4 = sector >>= 8; ah->lba5 = sector >>= 8; } else { extbit = 0; ah->lba3 &= 0x0f; ah->lba3 |= 0xe0; /* LBA bit + obsolete 0xa0 */ } if (bio_data_dir(buf->bio) == WRITE) { ah->aflags |= AOEAFL_WRITE; f->writedatalen = bcnt; } else { writebit = 0; f->writedatalen = 0; } ah->cmdstat = WIN_READ | writebit | extbit; /* mark all tracking fields and load out */ buf->nframesout += 1; buf->bufaddr += bcnt; buf->bv_resid -= bcnt; /* printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: bv_resid=%ld\n", buf->bv_resid); */ buf->resid -= bcnt; buf->sector += bcnt >> 9; if (buf->resid == 0) { d->inprocess = NULL; } else if (buf->bv_resid == 0) { buf->bv++; buf->bv_resid = buf->bv->bv_len; buf->bufaddr = page_address(buf->bv->bv_page) + buf->bv->bv_offset; } skb = skb_prepare(d, f); if (skb) { skb->next = NULL; if (d->sendq_hd) d->sendq_tl->next = skb; else d->sendq_hd = skb; d->sendq_tl = skb; } } /* enters with d->lock held */ void aoecmd_work(struct aoedev *d) { struct frame *f; struct buf *buf; loop: f = getframe(d, FREETAG); if (f == NULL) return; if (d->inprocess == NULL) { if (list_empty(&d->bufq)) return; buf = container_of(d->bufq.next, struct buf, bufs); list_del(d->bufq.next); /*printk(KERN_INFO "aoecmd_work: bi_size=%ld\n", buf->bio->bi_size); */ d->inprocess = buf; } aoecmd_ata_rw(d, f); goto loop; } static void rexmit(struct aoedev *d, struct frame *f) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct aoe_hdr *h; char buf[128]; u32 n; n = newtag(d); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%15s e%ld.%ld oldtag=%08x@%08lx newtag=%08x\n", "retransmit", d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor, f->tag, jiffies, n); aoechr_error(buf); h = (struct aoe_hdr *) f->data; f->tag = n; h->tag = cpu_to_be32(n); skb = skb_prepare(d, f); if (skb) { skb->next = NULL; if (d->sendq_hd) d->sendq_tl->next = skb; else d->sendq_hd = skb; d->sendq_tl = skb; } } static int tsince(int tag) { int n; n = jiffies & 0xffff; n -= tag & 0xffff; if (n < 0) n += 1<<16; return n; } static void rexmit_timer(ulong vp) { struct aoedev *d; struct frame *f, *e; struct sk_buff *sl; register long timeout; ulong flags, n; d = (struct aoedev *) vp; sl = NULL; /* timeout is always ~150% of the moving average */ timeout = d->rttavg; timeout += timeout >> 1; spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags); if (d->flags & DEVFL_TKILL) { tdie: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); return; } f = d->frames; e = f + d->nframes; for (; f<e; f++) { if (f->tag != FREETAG && tsince(f->tag) >= timeout) { n = f->waited += timeout; n /= HZ; if (n > MAXWAIT) { /* waited too long. device failure. */ aoedev_downdev(d); goto tdie; } rexmit(d, f); } } sl = d->sendq_hd; d->sendq_hd = d->sendq_tl = NULL; if (sl) { n = d->rttavg <<= 1; if (n > MAXTIMER) d->rttavg = MAXTIMER; } d->timer.expires = jiffies + TIMERTICK; add_timer(&d->timer); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); aoenet_xmit(sl); } static void ataid_complete(struct aoedev *d, unsigned char *id) { u64 ssize; u16 n; /* word 83: command set supported */ n = le16_to_cpup((__le16 *) &id[83<<1]); /* word 86: command set/feature enabled */ n |= le16_to_cpup((__le16 *) &id[86<<1]); if (n & (1<<10)) { /* bit 10: LBA 48 */ d->flags |= DEVFL_EXT; /* word 100: number lba48 sectors */ ssize = le64_to_cpup((__le64 *) &id[100<<1]); /* set as in ide-disk.c:init_idedisk_capacity */ d->geo.cylinders = ssize; d->geo.cylinders /= (255 * 63); d->geo.heads = 255; d->geo.sectors = 63; } else { d->flags &= ~DEVFL_EXT; /* number lba28 sectors */ ssize = le32_to_cpup((__le32 *) &id[60<<1]); /* NOTE: obsolete in ATA 6 */ d->geo.cylinders = le16_to_cpup((__le16 *) &id[54<<1]); d->geo.heads = le16_to_cpup((__le16 *) &id[55<<1]); d->geo.sectors = le16_to_cpup((__le16 *) &id[56<<1]); } d->ssize = ssize; d->geo.start = 0; if (d->gd != NULL) { d->gd->capacity = ssize; d->flags |= DEVFL_UP; return; } if (d->flags & DEVFL_WORKON) { printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: ataid_complete: can't schedule work, it's already on! " "(This really shouldn't happen).\n"); return; } INIT_WORK(&d->work, aoeblk_gdalloc, d); schedule_work(&d->work); d->flags |= DEVFL_WORKON; } static void calc_rttavg(struct aoedev *d, int rtt) { register long n; n = rtt; if (n < MINTIMER) n = MINTIMER; else if (n > MAXTIMER) n = MAXTIMER; /* g == .25; cf. Congestion Avoidance and Control, Jacobson & Karels; 1988 */ n -= d->rttavg; d->rttavg += n >> 2; } void aoecmd_ata_rsp(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct aoedev *d; struct aoe_hdr *hin; struct aoe_atahdr *ahin, *ahout; struct frame *f; struct buf *buf; struct sk_buff *sl; register long n; ulong flags; char ebuf[128]; u16 aoemajor; hin = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw; aoemajor = be16_to_cpu(hin->major); d = aoedev_by_aoeaddr(aoemajor, hin->minor); if (d == NULL) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "aoecmd_ata_rsp: ata response " "for unknown device %d.%d\n", aoemajor, hin->minor); aoechr_error(ebuf); return; } spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags); f = getframe(d, be32_to_cpu(hin->tag)); if (f == NULL) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "%15s e%d.%d tag=%08x@%08lx\n", "unexpected rsp", be16_to_cpu(hin->major), hin->minor, be32_to_cpu(hin->tag), jiffies); aoechr_error(ebuf); return; } calc_rttavg(d, tsince(f->tag)); ahin = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (hin+1); ahout = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (f->data + sizeof(struct aoe_hdr)); buf = f->buf; if (ahin->cmdstat & 0xa9) { /* these bits cleared on success */ printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: ata error cmd=%2.2Xh " "stat=%2.2Xh from e%ld.%ld\n", ahout->cmdstat, ahin->cmdstat, d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor); if (buf) buf->flags |= BUFFL_FAIL; } else { switch (ahout->cmdstat) { case WIN_READ: case WIN_READ_EXT: n = ahout->scnt << 9; if (skb->len - sizeof *hin - sizeof *ahin < n) { printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: runt " "ata data size in read. skb->len=%d\n", skb->len); /* fail frame f? just returning will rexmit. */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); return; } memcpy(f->bufaddr, ahin+1, n); case WIN_WRITE: case WIN_WRITE_EXT: break; case WIN_IDENTIFY: if (skb->len - sizeof *hin - sizeof *ahin < 512) { printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: runt data size " "in ataid. skb->len=%d\n", skb->len); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); return; } ataid_complete(d, (char *) (ahin+1)); /* d->flags |= DEVFL_WC_UPDATE; */ break; default: printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: unrecognized " "outbound ata command %2.2Xh for %d.%d\n", ahout->cmdstat, be16_to_cpu(hin->major), hin->minor); } } if (buf) { buf->nframesout -= 1; if (buf->nframesout == 0 && buf->resid == 0) { unsigned long duration = jiffies - buf->start_time; unsigned long n_sect = buf->bio->bi_size >> 9; struct gendisk *disk = d->gd; if (bio_data_dir(buf->bio) == WRITE) { disk_stat_inc(disk, writes); disk_stat_add(disk, write_ticks, duration); disk_stat_add(disk, write_sectors, n_sect); } else { disk_stat_inc(disk, reads); disk_stat_add(disk, read_ticks, duration); disk_stat_add(disk, read_sectors, n_sect); } disk_stat_add(disk, io_ticks, duration); n = (buf->flags & BUFFL_FAIL) ? -EIO : 0; bio_endio(buf->bio, buf->bio->bi_size, n); mempool_free(buf, d->bufpool); } } f->buf = NULL; f->tag = FREETAG; aoecmd_work(d); sl = d->sendq_hd; d->sendq_hd = d->sendq_tl = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); aoenet_xmit(sl); } void aoecmd_cfg(ushort aoemajor, unsigned char aoeminor) { struct aoe_hdr *h; struct aoe_cfghdr *ch; struct sk_buff *skb, *sl; struct net_device *ifp; sl = NULL; read_lock(&dev_base_lock); for (ifp = dev_base; ifp; dev_put(ifp), ifp = ifp->next) { dev_hold(ifp); if (!is_aoe_netif(ifp)) continue; skb = new_skb(ifp, sizeof *h + sizeof *ch); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_cfg: skb alloc failure\n"); continue; } h = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw; memset(h, 0, sizeof *h + sizeof *ch); memset(h->dst, 0xff, sizeof h->dst); memcpy(h->src, ifp->dev_addr, sizeof h->src); h->type = __constant_cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_AOE); h->verfl = AOE_HVER; h->major = cpu_to_be16(aoemajor); h->minor = aoeminor; h->cmd = AOECMD_CFG; skb->next = sl; sl = skb; } read_unlock(&dev_base_lock); aoenet_xmit(sl); } /* * Since we only call this in one place (and it only prepares one frame) * we just return the skb. Usually we'd chain it up to the aoedev sendq. */ static struct sk_buff * aoecmd_ata_id(struct aoedev *d) { struct aoe_hdr *h; struct aoe_atahdr *ah; struct frame *f; struct sk_buff *skb; f = getframe(d, FREETAG); if (f == NULL) { printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_ata_id: can't get a frame. " "This shouldn't happen.\n"); return NULL; } /* initialize the headers & frame */ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) f->data; ah = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (h+1); f->ndata = sizeof *h + sizeof *ah; memset(h, 0, f->ndata); f->tag = aoehdr_atainit(d, h); f->waited = 0; f->writedatalen = 0; /* this message initializes the device, so we reset the rttavg */ d->rttavg = MAXTIMER; /* set up ata header */ ah->scnt = 1; ah->cmdstat = WIN_IDENTIFY; ah->lba3 = 0xa0; skb = skb_prepare(d, f); /* we now want to start the rexmit tracking */ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_TKILL; d->timer.data = (ulong) d; d->timer.function = rexmit_timer; d->timer.expires = jiffies + TIMERTICK; add_timer(&d->timer); return skb; } void aoecmd_cfg_rsp(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct aoedev *d; struct aoe_hdr *h; struct aoe_cfghdr *ch; ulong flags, sysminor, aoemajor; u16 bufcnt; struct sk_buff *sl; enum { MAXFRAMES = 8 }; h = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw; ch = (struct aoe_cfghdr *) (h+1); /* * Enough people have their dip switches set backwards to * warrant a loud message for this special case. */ aoemajor = be16_to_cpu(h->major); if (aoemajor == 0xfff) { printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_cfg_rsp: Warning: shelf " "address is all ones. Check shelf dip switches\n"); return; } sysminor = SYSMINOR(aoemajor, h->minor); if (sysminor * AOE_PARTITIONS + AOE_PARTITIONS > MINORMASK) { printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: e%ld.%d: minor number too large\n", aoemajor, (int) h->minor); return; } bufcnt = be16_to_cpu(ch->bufcnt); if (bufcnt > MAXFRAMES) /* keep it reasonable */ bufcnt = MAXFRAMES; d = aoedev_set(sysminor, h->src, skb->dev, bufcnt); if (d == NULL) { printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_cfg_rsp: device set failure\n"); return; } spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags); if (d->flags & (DEVFL_UP | DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); return; } d->fw_ver = be16_to_cpu(ch->fwver); /* we get here only if the device is new */ sl = aoecmd_ata_id(d); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags); aoenet_xmit(sl); }