/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 by Vivante Corp. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __gc_hal_driver_vg_h_ #define __gc_hal_driver_vg_h_ #include "gc_hal_types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************\ ******************************* I/O Control Codes ****************************** \******************************************************************************/ #define gcvHAL_CLASS "galcore" #define IOCTL_GCHAL_INTERFACE 30000 /******************************************************************************\ ********************************* Command Codes ******************************** \******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************\ ********************* Command buffer information structure. ******************** \******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _gcsCOMMAND_BUFFER_INFO * gcsCOMMAND_BUFFER_INFO_PTR; typedef struct _gcsCOMMAND_BUFFER_INFO { /* FE command buffer interrupt ID. */ gctINT32 feBufferInt; /* TS overflow interrupt ID. */ gctINT32 tsOverflowInt; /* Alignment and mask for the buffer address. */ gctUINT addressMask; gctSIZE_T addressAlignment; /* Alignment for each command. */ gctSIZE_T commandAlignment; /* Number of bytes required by the STATE command. */ gctSIZE_T stateCommandSize; /* Number of bytes required by the RESTART command. */ gctSIZE_T restartCommandSize; /* Number of bytes required by the FETCH command. */ gctSIZE_T fetchCommandSize; /* Number of bytes required by the CALL command. */ gctSIZE_T callCommandSize; /* Number of bytes required by the RETURN command. */ gctSIZE_T returnCommandSize; /* Number of bytes required by the EVENT command. */ gctSIZE_T eventCommandSize; /* Number of bytes required by the END command. */ gctSIZE_T endCommandSize; /* Number of bytes reserved at the tail of a static command buffer. */ gctSIZE_T staticTailSize; /* Number of bytes reserved at the tail of a dynamic command buffer. */ gctSIZE_T dynamicTailSize; } gcsCOMMAND_BUFFER_INFO; /******************************************************************************\ ******************************** Task Structures ******************************* \******************************************************************************/ typedef enum _gceTASK { gcvTASK_LINK, gcvTASK_CLUSTER, gcvTASK_INCREMENT, gcvTASK_DECREMENT, gcvTASK_SIGNAL, gcvTASK_LOCKDOWN, gcvTASK_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY, gcvTASK_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY, gcvTASK_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY, gcvTASK_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY, gcvTASK_UNMAP_MEMORY } gceTASK; typedef struct _gcsTASK_HEADER * gcsTASK_HEADER_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_HEADER { /* Task ID. */ IN gceTASK id; } gcsTASK_HEADER; typedef struct _gcsTASK_LINK * gcsTASK_LINK_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_LINK { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_LINK). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Pointer to the next task container. */ IN gctPOINTER cotainer; /* Pointer to the next task from the next task container. */ IN gcsTASK_HEADER_PTR task; } gcsTASK_LINK; typedef struct _gcsTASK_CLUSTER * gcsTASK_CLUSTER_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_CLUSTER { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_CLUSTER). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Number of tasks in the cluster. */ IN gctUINT taskCount; } gcsTASK_CLUSTER; typedef struct _gcsTASK_INCREMENT * gcsTASK_INCREMENT_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_INCREMENT { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_INCREMENT). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Address of the variable to increment. */ IN gctUINT32 address; } gcsTASK_INCREMENT; typedef struct _gcsTASK_DECREMENT * gcsTASK_DECREMENT_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_DECREMENT { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_DECREMENT). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Address of the variable to decrement. */ IN gctUINT32 address; } gcsTASK_DECREMENT; typedef struct _gcsTASK_SIGNAL * gcsTASK_SIGNAL_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_SIGNAL { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_SIGNAL). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Process owning the signal. */ IN gctHANDLE process; /* Signal handle to signal. */ IN gctSIGNAL signal; #if defined(__QNXNTO__) IN gctINT32 coid; IN gctINT32 rcvid; #endif } gcsTASK_SIGNAL; typedef struct _gcsTASK_LOCKDOWN * gcsTASK_LOCKDOWN_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_LOCKDOWN { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_LOCKDOWN). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Address of the user space counter. */ IN gctUINT32 userCounter; /* Address of the kernel space counter. */ IN gctUINT32 kernelCounter; /* Process owning the signal. */ IN gctHANDLE process; /* Signal handle to signal. */ IN gctSIGNAL signal; } gcsTASK_LOCKDOWN; typedef struct _gcsTASK_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY * gcsTASK_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Allocated video memory. */ IN gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node; } gcsTASK_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY; typedef struct _gcsTASK_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY * gcsTASK_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Allocated video memory. */ IN gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node; } gcsTASK_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY; typedef struct _gcsTASK_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY * gcsTASK_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Number of bytes allocated. */ IN gctSIZE_T bytes; /* Physical address of allocation. */ IN gctPHYS_ADDR physical; /* Logical address of allocation. */ IN gctPOINTER logical; } gcsTASK_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY; typedef struct _gcsTASK_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY * gcsTASK_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Base address of user memory to unmap. */ IN gctPOINTER memory; /* Size of user memory in bytes to unmap. */ IN gctSIZE_T size; /* Info record returned by gcvHAL_MAP_USER_MEMORY. */ IN gctPOINTER info; /* Physical address of mapped memory as returned by gcvHAL_MAP_USER_MEMORY. */ IN gctUINT32 address; } gcsTASK_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY; typedef struct _gcsTASK_UNMAP_MEMORY * gcsTASK_UNMAP_MEMORY_PTR; typedef struct _gcsTASK_UNMAP_MEMORY { /* Task ID (gcvTASK_UNMAP_MEMORY). */ IN gceTASK id; /* Physical memory address to unmap. */ IN gctPHYS_ADDR physical; /* Number of bytes in physical memory to unmap. */ IN gctSIZE_T bytes; /* Address of mapped memory to unmap. */ IN gctPOINTER logical; } gcsTASK_UNMAP_MEMORY; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __gc_hal_driver_h_ */