/* Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyashaldoc.h) ## =========================== ## Copyright (C) 2010 Cypress Semiconductor ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ## of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street ## Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## =========================== */ #ifndef _INCLUDED_CYASHALDOC_H_ #define _INCLUDED_CYASHALDOC_H_ #include "cyashaldef.h" /*@@Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Summary This software module is supplied by the user of the West Bridge API. This module contains the software that is specific to the hardware implementation or operating system of the client system. * Sleep Channels * A sleep channel is a operating system object that provides that capability for one thread or process to sleep while waiting on the completion of some hardware event. The hardware event is usually processed by a hardware interrupt and the interrupt handler then wakes the thread or process that is sleeping. A sleep channel provides the mechanism for this operation. A sleep channel is created and initialized during the API initialization. When the API needs to wait for the hardware, the API performs a SleepOn() operation on the sleep channel. When hardware event occurs, an interrupt handler processes the event and then performs a Wake() operation on the sleep channel to wake the sleeping process or thread. * DMA Model * When the West Bridge API needs to transfer USB or storage data to/from the West Bridge device, this is done using a "DMA" operation. In this context the term DMA is used loosely as the West Bridge API does not really care if the data is transferred using a burst read or write operation, or if the data is transferred using programmed I/O operations. When a "DMA" operation is needed, the West Bridge API calls either CyAsHalDmaSetupRead() or CyAsHalDmaSetupWrite() depending on the direction of the data flow. The West Bridge API expects the "DMA" operation requested in the call to be completed and the registered "DMA complete" callback to be called. The West Bridge API looks at several factors to determine the size of the "DMA" request to pass to the HAL layer. First the West Bridge API calls CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize() to determine the maximum amount of data the HAL layer can accept for a "DMA" operation on the requested endpoint. The West Bridge API will never exceed this value in a "DMA" request to the HAL layer. The West Bridge API also sends the maximum amount of data the West Bridge device can accept as part of the "DMA" request. If the amount of data in the "DMA" request to the HAL layer exceeds the amount of data the West Bridge device can accept, it is expected that the HAL layer has the ability to break the request into multiple operations. If the HAL implementation requires the API to handle the size of the "DMA" requests for one or more endpoints, the value CY_AS_DMA_MAX_SIZE_HW_SIZE can be returned from the CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize() call. In this case, the API assumes that the maximum size of each "DMA" request should be limited to the maximum that can be accepted by the endpoint in question. Notes See the /api/hal/scm_kernel/cyashalscm_kernel.c file for an example of how the DMA request size can be managed by the HAL implementation. * Interrupt Handling * The HAL implementation is required to handle interrupts arriving from the West Bridge device, and call the appropriate handlers. If the interrupt arriving is one of PLLLOCKINT, PMINT, MBINT or MCUINT, the CyAsIntrServiceInterrupt API should be called to service the interrupt. If the interrupt arriving is DRQINT, the HAL should identify the endpoint corresponding to which the DRQ is being generated and perform the read/write transfer from the West Bridge. See the /api/hal/scm_kernel/ cyashalscm_kernel.c or /api/hal/fpga/cyashalfpga.c reference HAL implementations for examples. The HAL implementation can choose to poll the West Bridge interrupt status register instead of using interrupts. In this case, the polling has to be performed from a different thread/ task than the one running the APIs. This is required because there are API calls that block on the reception of data from the West Bridge, which is delivered only through the interrupt handlers. * Required Functions * This section defines the types and functions that must be supplied in order to provide a complete HAL layer for the West Bridge API. Types that must be supplied: * CyAsHalSleepChannel Hardware functions that must be supplied: * CyAsHalWriteRegister * CyAsHalReadRegister * CyAsHalDmaSetupWrite * CyAsHalDmaSetupRead * CyAsHalDmaCancelRequest * CyAsHalDmaRegisterCallback * CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize * CyAsHalSetWakeupPin * CyAsHalSyncDeviceClocks * CyAsHalInitDevRegisters * CyAsHalReadRegsBeforeStandby * CyAsHalRestoreRegsAfterStandby Operating system functions that must be supplied: * CyAsHalAlloc * CyAsHalFree * CyAsHalCBAlloc * CyAsHalCBFree * CyAsHalMemSet * CyAsHalCreateSleepChannel * CyAsHalDestroySleepChannel * CyAsHalSleepOn * CyAsHalWake * CyAsHalDisableInterrupts * CyAsHalEnableInterrupts * CyAsHalSleep150 * CyAsHalSleep * CyAsHalAssert * CyAsHalPrintMessage * CyAsHalIsPolling */ /* Summary This is the type that represents a sleep channel Description A sleep channel is an operating system object that, when a thread of control waits on the sleep channel, the thread sleeps until another thread signals the sleep object. This object is generally used when a high level API is called and must wait for a response that is supplied in an interrupt handler. The thread calling the API is put into a sleep state and when the reply arrives via the interrupt handler, the interrupt handler wakes the sleeping thread to indicate that the expect reply is available. */ typedef struct cy_as_hal_sleep_channel { /* This structure is filled in with OS specific information to implementat a sleep channel */ int m_channel; } cy_as_hal_sleep_channel; /* Summary This function is called to write a register value Description This function is called to write a specific register to a specific value. The tag identifies the device of interest. The address is relative to the base address of the West Bridge device. Returns Nothing See Also * CyAsHalDeviceTag * CyAsHalReadRegister */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_write_register( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The address we are writing to */ uint16_t addr, /* The value to write to the register */ uint16_t value ); /* Summary This function is called to read a register value Description This function is called to read the contents of a specific register. The tag identifies the device of interest. The address is relative to the base address of the West Bridge device. Returns Contents of the register See Also * CyAsHalDeviceTag * CyAsHalWriteRegister */ EXTERN uint16_t cy_as_hal_read_register( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The address we are writing to */ uint16_t addr ); /* Summary This function initiates a DMA write operation to write to West Bridge Description This function initiates a DMA write operation. The request size will not exceed the value the HAL layer returned via CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize(). This request size may exceed the size of what the West Bridge device will accept as on packet and the HAL layer may need to divide the request into multiple hardware DMA operations. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalDmaSetupRead * CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_dma_setup_write( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The endpoint we are writing to */ cy_as_end_point_number_t ep, /* The data to write via DMA */ void *buf_p, /* The size of the data at buf_p */ uint32_t size, /* The maximum amount of data that the endpoint * can accept as one packet */ uint16_t maxsize ); /* Summary This function initiates a DMA read operation from West Bridge Description This function initiates a DMA read operation. The request size will not exceed the value the HAL layer returned via CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize(). This request size may exceed the size of what the Anitoch will accept as one packet and the HAL layer may need to divide the request into multiple hardware DMA operations. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalDmaSetupRead * CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_dma_setup_read( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The endpoint we are reading from */ cy_as_end_point_number_t ep, /* The buffer to read data into */ void *buf_p, /* The amount of data to read */ uint32_t size, /* The maximum amount of data that the endpoint * can provide in one DMA operation */ uint16_t maxsize ); /* Summary This function cancels a pending DMA request Description This function cancels a pending DMA request that has been passed down to the hardware. The HAL layer can elect to physically cancel the request if possible, or just ignore the results of the request if it is not possible. Returns None */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_dma_cancel_request( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The endpoint we are reading from */ cy_as_end_point_number_t ep ); /* Summary This function registers a callback function to be called when a DMA request is completed Description This function registers a callback that is called when a request issued via CyAsHalDmaSetupWrite() or CyAsHalDmaSetupRead() has completed. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalDmaSetupWrite * CyAsHalDmaSetupRead */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_dma_register_callback( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The callback to call when a request has completed */ cy_as_hal_dma_complete_callback cb ); /* Summary This function returns the maximum size of a DMA request that can be handled by the HAL. Description When DMA requests are passed to the HAL layer for processing, the HAL layer may have a limit on the size of the request that can be handled. This function is called by the DMA manager for an endpoint when DMA is enabled to get the maximum size of data the HAL layer can handle. The DMA manager insures that a request is never sent to the HAL layer that exceeds the size returned by this function. Returns the maximum size of DMA request the HAL layer can handle */ EXTERN uint32_t cy_as_hal_dma_max_request_size( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The endpoint of interest */ cy_as_end_point_number_t ep ); /* Summary This function sets the WAKEUP pin to a specific state on the West Bridge device. Description In order to enter the standby mode, the WAKEUP pin must be de-asserted. In order to resume from standby mode, the WAKEUP pin must be asserted. This function provides the mechanism to do this. Returns 1 if the pin was changed, 0 if the HAL layer does not support changing this pin */ EXTERN uint32_t cy_as_hal_set_wakeup_pin( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* The desired state of the wakeup pin */ cy_bool state ); /* Summary Synchronise the West Bridge device clocks to re-establish device connectivity. Description When the Astoria bridge device is working in SPI mode, a long period of inactivity can cause a loss of serial synchronisation between the processor and Astoria. This function is called by the API when it detects such a condition, and is expected to take the action required to re-establish clock synchronisation between the devices. Returns CyTrue if the attempt to re-synchronise is successful, CyFalse if not. */ EXTERN cy_bool cy_as_hal_sync_device_clocks( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, ); /* Summary Initialize West Bridge device registers that may have been modified while the device was in standby. Description The content of some West Bridge registers may be lost when the device is placed in standby mode. This function restores these register contents so that the device can continue to function normally after it wakes up from standby mode. This function is required to perform operations only when the API is being used with the Astoria device in one of the PNAND modes or in the PSPI mode. It can be a no-operation in all other cases. Returns None */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_init_dev_registers( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag, /* Indicates whether this is a wake-up from standby. */ cy_bool is_standby_wakeup ); /* Summary This function reads a set of P-port accessible device registers and stores their value for later use. Description The West Bridge Astoria device silicon has a known problem when operating in SPI mode on the P-port, where some of the device registers lose their value when the device goes in and out of standby mode. The suggested work-around is to reset the Astoria device as part of the wakeup procedure from standby. This requires that the values of some of the P-port accessible registers be restored to their pre-standby values after it has been reset. This HAL function can be used to read and store the values of these registers at the point where the device is being placed in standby mode. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalRestoreRegsAfterStandby */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_read_regs_before_standby( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag ); /* Summary This function restores the old values to a set of P-port accessible device registers. Description This function is part of the work-around to a known West Bridge Astoria device error when operating in SPI mode on the P-port. This function is used to restore a set of P-port accessible registers to the values they had before the device was placed in standby mode. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalRestoreRegsAfterStandby */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_restore_regs_after_standby( /* The tag to ID a specific West Bridge device */ cy_as_hal_device_tag tag ); /* * The functions below this comment are part of the HAL layer, * as the HAL layer consists of the abstraction to both the * hardware platform and the operating system. However; the * functions below this comment all relate to the operating * environment and not specifically to the hardware platform * or specific device. */ /* Summary This function allocates a block of memory Description This is the HAL layer equivalent of the malloc() function. Returns a pointer to a block of memory See Also * CyAsHalFree */ EXTERN void * cy_as_hal_alloc( /* The size of the memory block to allocate */ uint32_t size ); /* Summary This function frees a previously allocated block of memory Description This is the HAL layer equivalent of the free() function. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalAlloc */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_free( /* Pointer to a memory block to free */ void *ptr ); /* Summary This function is a malloc equivalent that can be used from an interrupt context. Description This function is a malloc equivalent that will be called from the API in callbacks. This function is required to be able to provide memory in interrupt context. Notes For platforms where it is not possible to allocate memory in interrupt context, we provide a reference allocator that takes memory during initialization and implements malloc/free using this memory. See the /api/hal/fpga/cyashalblkalloc.[ch] files for the implementation, and the /api/hal/fpga/cyashalfpga.c file for an example of the use of this allocator. Returns A pointer to the allocated block of memory See Also * CyAsHalCBFree * CyAsHalAlloc */ EXTERN void * cy_as_hal_c_b_alloc( /* The size of the memory block to allocate */ uint32_t size ); /* Summary This function frees the memory allocated through the CyAsHalCBAlloc call. Description This function frees memory allocated through the CyAsHalCBAlloc call, and is also required to support calls from interrupt context. Returns None See Also * CyAsHalCBAlloc * CyAsHalFree */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_c_b_free( /* Pointer to the memory block to be freed */ void *ptr ); /* Summary This function sets a block of memory to a specific value Description This function is the HAL layer equivalent of the memset() function. Returns None */ EXTERN void cy_as_mem_set( /* A pointer to a block of memory to set */ void *ptr, /* The value to set the memory to */ uint8_t value, /* The number of bytes to set */ uint32_t cnt ); /* Summary This function creates or initializes a sleep channel Description This function creates or initializes a sleep channel. The sleep channel defined using the HAL data structure CyAsHalSleepChannel. Returns CyTrue is the initialization was sucessful, and CyFalse otherwise See Also * CyAsHalSleepChannel * CyAsHalDestroySleepChannel * CyAsHalSleepOn * CyAsHalWake */ EXTERN cy_bool cy_as_hal_create_sleep_channel( /* Pointer to the sleep channel to create/initialize */ cy_as_hal_sleep_channel *chan ); /* Summary This function destroys an existing sleep channel Description This function destroys an existing sleep channel. The sleep channel is of type CyAsHalSleepChannel. Returns CyTrue if the channel was destroyed, and CyFalse otherwise See Also * CyAsHalSleepChannel * CyAsHalCreateSleepChannel * CyAsHalSleepOn * CyAsHalWake */ EXTERN cy_bool cy_as_hal_destroy_sleep_channel( /* The sleep channel to destroy */ cy_as_hal_sleep_channel chan ); /* Summary This function causes the calling process or thread to sleep until CyAsHalWake() is called Description This function causes the calling process or threadvto sleep. When CyAsHalWake() is called on the same sleep channel, this processes or thread is then wakened and allowed to run Returns CyTrue if the thread or process is asleep, and CyFalse otherwise See Also * CyAsHalSleepChannel * CyAsHalWake */ EXTERN cy_bool cy_as_hal_sleep_on( /* The sleep channel to sleep on */ cy_as_hal_sleep_channel chan, /* The maximum time to sleep in milli-seconds */ uint32_t ms ); /* Summary This function casues the process or thread sleeping on the given sleep channel to wake Description This function causes the process or thread sleeping on the given sleep channel to wake. The channel Returns CyTrue if the thread or process is awake, and CyFalse otherwise See Also * CyAsHalSleepChannel * CyAsHalSleepOn */ EXTERN cy_bool cy_as_hal_wake( /* The sleep channel to wake */ cy_as_hal_sleep_channel chan ); /* Summary This function disables interrupts, insuring that short bursts of code can be run without danger of interrupt handlers running. Description There are cases within the API when lists must be manipulated by both the API and the associated interrupt handlers. In these cases, interrupts must be disabled to insure the integrity of the list during the modification. This function is used to disable interrupts during the short intervals where these lists are being changed. The HAL must have the ability to nest calls to CyAsHalDisableInterrupts and CyAsHalEnableInterrupts. Returns Any interrupt related state value which will be passed back into the subsequent CyAsHalEnableInterrupts call. See Also * CyAsHalEnableInterrupts */ EXTERN uint32_t cy_as_hal_disable_interrupts(); /* Summary This function re-enables interrupts after a critical section of code in the API has been completed. Description There are cases within the API when lists must be manipulated by both the API and the associated interrupt handlers. In these cases, interrupts must be disabled to insure the integrity of the list during the modification. This function is used to enable interrupts after the short intervals where these lists are being changed. See Also * CyAsHalDisableInterrupts */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_enable_interrupts( /* Value returned by the previous CyAsHalDisableInterrupts call. */ uint32_t value ); /* Summary This function sleeps for 150 ns. Description This function sleeps for 150 ns before allowing the calling function to continue. This function is used for a specific purpose and the sleep required is at least 150 ns. */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_sleep150( ); /* Summary This function sleeps for the given number of milliseconds Description This function sleeps for at least the given number of milliseonds */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_sleep( uint32_t ms ); /* Summary This function asserts when the condition evaluates to zero Description Within the API there are conditions which are checked to insure the integrity of the code. These conditions are checked only within a DEBUG build. This function is used to check the condition and if the result evaluates to zero, it should be considered a fatal error that should be reported to Cypress. */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_assert( /* The condition to evaluate */ cy_bool cond ); /* Summary This function prints a message from the API to a human readable device Description There are places within the West Bridge API where printing a message is useful to the debug process. This function provides the mechanism to print a message. Returns NONE */ EXTERN void cy_as_hal_print_message( /* The message to print */ const char *fmt_p, ... /* Variable arguments */ ); /* Summary This function reports whether the HAL implementation uses polling to service data coming from the West Bridge. Description This function reports whether the HAL implementation uses polling to service data coming from the West Bridge. Returns CyTrue if the HAL polls the West Bridge Interrupt Status registers to complete operations, CyFalse if the HAL is interrupt driven. */ EXTERN cy_bool cy_as_hal_is_polling( void); #endif