# Toradex devicetree.bbclass extension # # This bbclass extends OE's devicetree.bbclass by implementing devicetree # overlays compilation for Toradex BSPs. # # A overlays.txt file is generated in ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}, with a uboot # environment variable 'fdt_overlays' containing the devicetree overlays # to be applied to the boot devicetree at runtime. # # The following options are supported: # # TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "a-overlay.dtbo another_overlay.dtbo" # # The devicetree overlays to be deployed # to ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/overlays, if not # set, all common and machine related # overlays would be deployed. # # TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE_BOOT = "a-overlay.dtbo" # # The devicetree overlays to be applied at # runtime, will be written to: # ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/overlays.txt, if not # set, no overlays would be applied. # # Copyright 2021 (C) Toradex AG TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE ??= "" TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE_BOOT ??= "" SUMMARY = "Toradex BSP device tree overlays" SRC_URI = "git://git.toradex.com/device-tree-overlays.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};protocol=https" PV = "${SRCBRANCH}+git${SRCPV}" inherit devicetree S = "${WORKDIR}/git/overlays" DT_FILES_PATH = "${WORKDIR}/machine-overlays" # The machine specific recipes start with MACHINE_PREFIX}[_-] MACHINE_PREFIX = "${MACHINE}" MACHINE_PREFIX_colibri-imx7-emmc = "colibri-imx7" MACHINE_PREFIX_colibri-imx6ull-emmc = "colibri-imx6ull" MACHINE_PREFIX_apalis-imx8x-v11a = "apalis-imx8x" MACHINE_PREFIX_colibri-imx8x-v10b = "colibri-imx8x" do_collect_overlays () { if [ -z "${TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" ] ; then machine_dts=`cd ${S} && ls ${MACHINE_PREFIX}[_-]*.dts 2>/dev/null || true` common_dts=`cd ${S} && ls *.dts 2>/dev/null | grep -v -e 'imx[6-8]' -e 'tk1' | xargs || true` all_dts="$machine_dts $common_dts" else for dtbo in ${TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE}; do dtbo_ext=${dtbo##*.} dts="`basename $dtbo .$dtbo_ext`.dts" all_dts="$all_dts $dts" done fi for dts in $all_dts; do cp ${S}/$dts ${DT_FILES_PATH} done } do_collect_overlays[dirs] = "${DT_FILES_PATH}" do_collect_overlays[cleandirs] = "${DT_FILES_PATH}" addtask collect_overlays after do_patch before do_configure do_deploy_append () { install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}/overlays if [ -d ${DEPLOYDIR}/devicetree ]; then cp ${DEPLOYDIR}/devicetree/* ${DEPLOYDIR}/overlays else touch ${DEPLOYDIR}/overlays/none_deployed fi # overlays that we want to be applied during boot time overlays= for dtbo in ${TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE_BOOT}; do if [ ! -e ${DEPLOYDIR}/overlays/$dtbo ]; then bbfatal "$dtbo is not installed in your boot filesystem, please make sure it's in TEZI_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE or being provided by virtual/dtb." fi overlays="$overlays $dtbo" done echo "fdt_overlays=$(echo $overlays)" > ${DEPLOYDIR}/overlays.txt }